Graduate students and faculty in the composition and rhetoric program have recently published in multiple venues.
Oscar Garcia Santana (PhD Candidate) and Haivan Hoang's article "Working toward Antiracist Graduate Student Writing Development" was published in College English (volume 87, issue 1). The introduction to the issue says of the article: "Showing readers how graduate writing processes could illumine writing ideologies and cultivate writing practices, the pair emphasize counterstory as a location for teasing out power dynamics in/as perspective."
Danielle Pappo's (PhD Candidate) "A Theoretical Framework for Narrativizing Change within Literacy Infrastructures" was published in Composition Studies (volume 52, issue 1). Pappo writes: "In this piece, I speak to where I’m at with CRT counterstory, today—seven years after I first read Martinez’ “Plea for Critical Race Theory”—through bits and pieces of my (ongoing) dissertation research: an ethnographic case study of one community writing course at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, for which CRT counterstory is at the nexus of my theoretical framework."