David Toomey's Kingdom of Play (Scribner, 2024) was published in German translation by Goldmann Verlag as Das faszinierende Spiel der Tiere: Warum Elefanten gerne rutschen, Affen Bauchklatscher lieben und was das alles auch für unser Leben bedeutet.
Hoang Phan has been selected by the Office of Faculty Development to receive the Mid-Career Post-Tenure (MCPT) Fellowship for the 2024-25 academic year.
Thakshala Tissera recently published an article titled "We Are All Animals": Multispecies Entanglements and More-than-Human Politics in Romesh Gunesekera's Heaven's Edge and Suncatcher."
Malcolm Sen believes that “the greatest gift of literature is its ability to provoke empathy across distant spaces, and also distant times.” Nowhere is the need for this power more urgent today than in confronting the existential threat of climate change.