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Dear Poets and Writers,

You have here the infinite work in progress that is the UMass MFA Handbook. It covers the essentials and includes various tools and reminders to help you to know where you stand and what yet need be done.

The MFA Program Coordinator is always happy to help you ascertain what requirements you need and which you’ve fulfilled, and I urge you to check in with them periodically, at least once a year though more than that if you feel the need, to make sure you’re on track.

As you read this document, the brass tacks as it were, it’s a good time to remind you that there is much to be gotten out of an MFA program like this one:

  • Teacher training and a terminal degree that qualifies you, with publications, to teach at the university level
  • An introduction to a community of writers that can help you and sustain you
  • Connections with mentors, fellow travelers who know the road
  • By clustering your electives, an opportunity to focus on an area of professional expertise such as arts administration or an area of in-depth study such as a foreign language or philosophy or whatever subject aligns with the theme of your novel or book of poetry
  • By randomizing your electives, an opportunity to satisfy your insatiable curiosity in all things
  • And more...

But do remember that your primary job here is working on your writing and preparing a draft of a book. In designing your individualized route through the MFA, whatever path that may take, keep this as your guiding light.

In addition to the MFA Program Coordinator Ryan Mihaly, and Director of Community Engagement Jennifer Jacobson, I am always available to talk, answer questions, and address concerns. I welcome you to drop me a line ( or stop by my office hours anytime.



Jeff Parker

MFA Program Director, Fall 2024