The Master’s Degree Eligibility form tells the Graduate School that a student has completed all of their requirements and expects to graduate at the next official graduation date. The Master’s Degree Eligibility Form must be completed and submitted to the academic department two weeks prior to the degree deadline to allow for departmental review. Deadlines vary from year to year.
- February 2024 degree: January 2, 2023 (December 19, 2023 to department)
- May 2024 degree: April 2024
- September 2024 degree: August 2024
Use this link to confirm deadlines.
For all practical purposes, a September degree is equivalent to a May degree; no additional fees or extensions are required.
The Master’s Degree Eligibility Form is available on the Graduate School website.
List only those classes, independent studies, practica, seminars, etc. that should be used towards the degree. Teaching practica for Writing Program and English may be included. At least 60 credits are required. Please note that every course listed on the Degree Eligibility Form will count towards the MFA degree, and will not be transferrable to any advanced degrees the student chooses to pursue in the future.
- List all the courses taken chronologically by semester, not by course type. The Grad School reviews this by comparing it to the student’s transcript, so semester by semester is their preference.
- Include all relevant “in progress” credits—count credits in overall total; just leave grade column blank. This includes courses in the current semester and any Thesis Credits (which will continue to show up as “IP”).
- Print form, sign it, and give it to the MFA Program Coordinator. They will get the additional signatures and submit it to the Graduate School. Please don’t leave this until the last minute, as the Department Chair must sign and may not be available.