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Students complete a minimum of 3 literature courses (3 credits each) in poetry and prose; two in their genre and one outside of their genre.

Here are common ways to fulfill the requirement:

  • English 891 seminars taught by MFA or English Department faculty.
  • Other English Department graduate literature seminars 500-level or above.
  • Literature seminars in UMass departments other than English, 400-level or above—prior approval by the MFA Director required.
  • Five College literature seminars—prior approval by the MFA Director required.
  • Select MFA workshops (English 780/781): When a significant amount of reading is included as part of the course, a workshop may fulfill a literature requirement. Prior approval by the MFA Director required. A single course, however, cannot fulfill both a workshop requirement and a literature requirement.

​​​​​​​Independent Studies: While independent studies should not be relied upon, students may request to work with faculty members independently or in small groups to pursue a course of study that fulfills a literature requirement. It’s important to note that faculty availability for such arrangements may be limited. All arrangements for independent studies must be made with the sponsoring faculty member. Typically, faculty will not approve independent studies that replicate offered courses such as workshops or 891 seminars. Per Graduate School policy, only 12 credits of Independent Study can be counted towards the degree.