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In the MFA program, students are expected to conduct themselves with integrity, discipline, a sense of individual responsibility, and regard for others.

All students are expected to comply with University Policies, including (but not limited to):

  • Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, & Related Interpersonal Violence - The University of Massachusetts Amherst is committed in policy, principle, and practice to maintaining an environment which prohibits discriminatory behavior and provides equal opportunity for all persons. The University affirms its commitment to provide a welcoming and respectful work and educational environment, in which all individuals within the University community may benefit from each other’s experiences and foster mutual respect and appreciation of divergent views. The University will not be tolerant of conduct which violates rights guaranteed by the law or University policies. The Equal Opportunity and Access Office is responsible for formally administering this policy and its grievance procedure. The full discrimination and harassment policy is available here.
  • Code of Student Conduct - The Code of Student Conduct defines expected student conduct and describes disciplinary procedures and sanctions for misconduct. It is administered by the Dean of Students Office.

In terms of MFA policies regarding attendance, students are expected to attend all classes in which they are enrolled. If you are unable to attend a class, please let your instructor know in advance. One unexcused absence is generally within acceptable parameters for MFA courses. If a student finds that circumstances require them to miss more than one class, they should talk to their instructor as soon as possible.

In addition to the MFA requirements detailed in this handbook, MFA candidates should be familiar with academic procedures and deadlines as articulated in the Graduate School Handbook