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Most students are insured through the Student Health Benefit Plan (SHBP), administered by UMass University Health Services. Eligible GEO members receive an exemption of 95% of the plan rates for the Individual SHBP and Individual Graduate Student Health Fee. In general, if you are working at least 10 hours a week for two semesters or 20 hours a week for one semester in a GEO-eligible position (e.g. Teaching Associateship), you’ll be eligible for waivers for the entire plan year. Detailed information on cost, coverage, and eligibility can be found on the GEO website.

The easiest way to see a doctor is to go to University Health Services on campus. UHS offers an array of services that are included through the Cigna graduate health plan. Hop over to UHS for free acupuncture (with student favorite, Jack Radner!). Get free contacts and glasses every year! Get a pap smear at the Women’s Health Center! UHS is by-appointment only. Call the appointment line at 413 -577-5101 and someone will schedule you with the doctor, nurse practitioner or physician assistant appropriate to your needs.

Urgent care is the exception to the appointment-only rule. One may simply come to the Urgent Care clinic and sit in the waiting room. You can also call ahead to make an appointment at 413-577-5101. If you simply want to talk to a triage nurse about your illness or injury, you can do that as well, just dial 413-577-5229. Clinic hours are from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The Urgent Care clinic is open 24 hours a day during the semester.

24-Hour Crisis Hotline


888-337-0800 (Local Long Distance)

413-577-0940 (TTY)

MA Relay 771




Spanish Speaking Rape Crisis Counselors, M–F, 11am–5pm