MFA Thesis Grants
MFA Thesis Grants URIT Seth LandmanAwarded to graduate students in their second year, thesis grants are stipends to help with creative development and thesis research. These funds are made available to the MFA through the generosity of the Graduate School's Dean. Awards range from $180 to $750, but may vary depending on the number of qualified applications received. They are distributed in the spring. Thesis Grants are dependent on annual funding.
Thesis grants can be used to support:
- Fieldwork, research, and/or travel to locations and sets relevant to your work in progress
- Residencies at an artist's colony to set aside time for sustained concentration on a manuscript and to engage in conversation with artists working in other fields
- You may propose other activities in the grant as long as they comprise creative development or research undertakings requiring discrete financial support to achieve specific goals
Eligible candidates must:
- Be in the second year of the program
- Be in good academic standing, making good progress towards the degree
- Have selected a thesis advisor who supports your grant application
- Wish to engage in one or more of the kinds of creative development/research activity supported by the grant program