
Faculty Bio

After earning his BA from Georgetown University and his MA and PhD from Harvard University, Joseph Bartolomeo joined the UMass Amherst Department of English in 1986. From 2007 to 2013, he served as chair of the department, and from 2013 to 2020, as Associate Dean for Operations and Planning in the College of Humanities and Fine Arts.

In his post as Associate Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies, Professor Bartolomeo is responsible for overseeing academic programs that are not located in a single college. These include the University Without Walls degree completion program in Interdisciplinary Studies, the Bachelor’s Degree with Individual Concentration, and the Exploratory Pathways Program. 

His principal research interest is eighteenth-century British literature, with particular focus on the novel, gender, and transatlanticism.  He has served as president of the Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies and as eighteenth-century field editor for the Twayne English Authors Series, and is currently treasurer of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.

Research Areas

  • 18th Century British Literature



Articles & Chapters:

  • “Defoe and America.” Forthcoming in Daniel Defoe in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. 
  • “The Sentimental Novel in America: The History of Emily Montague, The Power of Sympathy, The Coquette, Charlotte Temple.” The Sentimental Novel in the Eighteenth Century. Ed. Albert J. Rivero. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. 173-90.
  • “No Place like Home: The Uses of America in 1790s British Fiction,” The Yearbook of English Studies 46 (2016): 242-58.
  • "'New People in a New World’?: Defoe’s Ambivalent Narratives of Emigration." Eighteenth-Century Fiction 23:3 (Spring 2011): 455-70.
  • "Teaching the Rise of the Transatlantic Novel."  Teaching the Transatlantic Eighteenth Century.  Ed. Jennifer Frangos and Cristobal Silva.  Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2011. 185-96.
  • "A Fragile Utopia of Sensibility: David Simple." Gender and Utopia in the Eighteenth Century: Essays in English and French Utopian Writing. Ed. Brenda Tooley and Nicole Pohl. Aldershot: Ashgate Press, 2007. 39-52.
  • "Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Satiric Fiction." A Companion to Satire, Ancient and Modern. Ed. Ruben Quintero. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. 257-75.