Save essential contacts in your phone so you can reach help swiftly in cases of distress. Important resources are listed below:
For life-threatening emergencies, call 911 or UMPD (if on UMass Amherst campus)
- UMass Police (Emergency): 413-545-3111
- UMass Center for Counseling and Psychological Health Crisis Hotline: 413-545-2337
- Amherst Fire Department: 413-259-3082
- Suicide and Crisis Hotline: 988
- Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222
- Animal Poison Control: 888-426-4435
- UMass Police (Non-emergency): 413-545-2121
- UMass Environmental Health and Safety: 413-545-2682
- UMass Facilities Service Center (UMass Amherst campus facilities): 413-545-6401
- UMass Safety Escorts: 413-545-2123
UMass Support Services
Students: Dean of Students Office
- 413-545-2684
Faculty & Staff: Employee Counseling & Consultation Office
- 413-545-0350
Report a Concern
Anonymous witness form: If you have information that you believe should be shared with UMPD and wish to remain anonymous, you may fill out an anonymous witness form.
Bias Incident Report: Students, faculty, and staff can report incidents of discrimination to the Office of Equity and Inclusion.
General Incident Report: Students, faculty, and staff can report incidents relating to hit and runs, identify theft, theft, traffic complaints, and vandalism to the UMass Police Department.
Student Support Request & Referral: to request assistance from the Dean of Students Office for yourself or a student you know.