We rely on technology to perform our daily functions, both personally and at UMass Amherst. It is important to be aware of potential threats, such as cyber attacks, viruses, and identity theft.
During a cyber attack:
- Check your credit card & bank statements for unrecognizabl charges.
- Check your credit reports for any new accounts or loans you didn't open.
- Be alert for emails & social media users that ask for private information.
- If you notice strange activity, limit the damage by changing all of your internet account passwords immediately.
- Notify UMass IT of what happened & what was impacted.
After a cyber attack:
Contact banks & credit card companies and report that someone may be using your identify.
- Close any unauthorized credit or charge accounts.
- Contact UMPD (413-545-3111) to file an official report of the incident.
- Report identify theft to the Federal Trade Commission.
If you are concerned someone is using your Social Security number illegally, file a report with the Office of the Inspector General.
- Contact the Social Security Administration about compromised Social Security number.
- The Department of Motor Vehicles where your driver's license is registered can assist with replacing stolen identification.