
If you see a chemical spill, detect a strange odor or see people showing signs of chemical exposure:

  • Notify occupants in the immediate area to evacuate, preferably outdoors.
  • Leave the area (if possible, remove all injured victims) and close the door.
  • Call UMPD (413-545-3111) or 911 from a safe locations and provide the following information:
    • Location of incident: building name and room number
    • Description of incident: potential problem, exposure, injuries, etc
    • Name of chemical or description of odor
    • Estimate of the amount spilled or exposed to
    • Your name and location
  • UMass Lab personnel: report incident immediately to the lab PI and Environmental Health & Safety (413-545-2682)
  • Follow instructions of emergency personnel and only re-enter facility when authorized to do so.