The Economics Department has a wide variety of workshops offered throughout the Spring and Fall semesters that are open to the public. The workshop schedules are posted each semester.  Announcements are made on the home page during the week the presentation will be held.


Fall Workshop Schedule
All times are Eastern Time 

Political Economy / Economic History and Development Workshops

Date, Time, Location Speaker(s) Title
September 17
Watch the recording
S. Charusheela, University of Washington, Bothell The Westphalian Nation State as a Limit to Heterodox Economics
September 24
(with PERI) 
Gordon Hall
Register for Zoom Link
Anwar Shaikh Some Startling Patterns of the Empirical Distribution of Income by Race, Gender, and Classin the United States: An Econophysics Explanation
October 1
(with PERI)
Gordon Hall
Register for Zoom Link
Anwar Shaikh  
October 8
Watch the recording
William D. Ferguson , Grinnell College Developmental Dilemmas: The Role of Power and Agency
October 17
Crotty Hall Room 209
Mike Meeropol, Western New England University and John Jay College, retired The Failure of the Obama Recovery, OR, How We Got Trump
October 21
Watch the Recording
Neri Salvadori, University of Pisa Was It A “Fatal Error”? Sraffa and Samuelson on Marshall’s partial equilibria method
joint with Econ Theory workshop
October 22
Watch the Recording
Heinz Kurz, University of Graz Adam Smith: Evolutionary Social Theorist Ante Litteram (On the Process of Civilization and Its Hazards)
joint with Econ Theory workshop
November 19
Watch the recording
Jawied Nawabi Why States Matter in Economic Development:  The Socioeconomic Origins of Strong Institutions


Labor & Applied Microeconomics Workshops

Please contact Chris Boone (, Arin Dube (, or Ina Ganguli ( if you have any questions.

Date, Time, Location Speaker(s) Title
October 2
209 Crotty Hall
Kelly Ragan, Stockholm School of Economics Empowerment or Immiseration? The Pill and a Century of Unwed Childbearing
October 16
209 Crotty Hall
Owen Thompson, Williams College The Long-Run Impacts of Court-Ordered Desegregation
October 23
209 Crotty Hall
Martin Ljunge, Research Institute of Industrial Economics Immigrants, Neighborhoods, and the Stock Market
To be rescheduled for Spring 2025
Jasmine Kerrissey, UMass Sociology & Labor Center Union Booms and Busts: The Ongoing Fight Over the US Labor Movement


Economic Theory Workshops

All session will be on Zoom. Invitations to join each session will be sent the morning of the session. Contact Donald Katzner ( to register or with questions. When and if available, papers will be posted here.

Date, Time, Location Speaker(s) Title
October 7
209 Crotty Hall
William D. Ferguson, Grinnell College Collective Action Problems and Institutional Entrepreneurship as Microfoundations of Political Economy
October 15
209 Crotty Hall
Sam Bowles, UMass and  Katrin Schmelz, Tech. U. of Denmark Climate Policy Design with Endogenous Environmental Preferences: Pitfalls and Opportunities for Promoting Green Lifestyles
October 21
209 Crotty Hall and Zoom
Neri Salvadori, University of Pisa Was It a ‘Fatal Error’? Sraffa and Samuelson on Marshal’s Partial Equilibrium Method
joint with the History and Political Economy Workshop
October 22
209 Crotty Hall and Zoom
Heinz Kurz Adam Smith: Evolutionary Social Theorist Ante Litteram (On the Process of Civilization and Its Hazards)
joint with the History and Political Economy Workshop
November 4
209 Crotty Hall
Deepankar Basu, UMass Technical Change and the Rate of Profit in Classical-Marxian Models of Economic Growth
November 18
209 Crotty Hall
Alex Coram, University of West Australia Systems of Technology and Growth Paths to Zero Emissions in Electricity Generation
December 9
209 Crotty Hall
Naoki Yoshihara, UMass

Generic Indeterminacy of Steady State, Competitive Equilibria in Walras-von Neuman, Production Economies