The Editorial Board
The Editorial Board angieliuSanjay Singh
Sanjay Singh is a senior Economics major and Aerospace Studies minor. He is a Governor of the Undergraduate Economics Club at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He is also a staff member at the Center for Education Policy and Advocacy (CEPA), which is a student-run advocacy agency of the UMass Student Government Association. After graduation in May, he will be entering the corporate Human Resource Development Program at Liberty Mutual in Boston, MA, complementing his interests in labor economics, human resources, and industrial relations.
Thomas Peake
Thomas transferred to UMass after earning an Associate’s Degree from Springfield Technical Community College in Springfield, MA. He was the 2011-2012 President of the Undergraduate Economics Club and had the privilege of working as a Research Assistant for Dr. Arindrajit Dube over the last year. Tom will be taking a consultant position at Ernst & Young after graduation. Tom spends the majority of his spare time with his pit bull Flora and his heavy metal band Krakatoa. He feels very lucky to have been a part of the UMass Economics Department at such an exciting time.
Jonathan Berke
Jonathan Berke is a junior double majoring in Economics and Psychology. He will be applying to PhD programs in Economics next fall to help him pursue various research interests around risks and incentives. In his free time, Jonathan enjoys slapping bass guitar and playing basketball.
Yazid Alfata
Yazid Alfata is a junior Political Science and Economics double major. He is a member of the International Relations and Model United Nations Club and currently serves as Research Assistant to Professor Nicholas Xenos of the Political Science Department. In the past, Yaz has worked for organizations like Human Rights Watch and MERCY Malaysia. His interests include economic and political development in peace processes and theories of political economy. Following his graduation in May 2014, he plans to pursue a doctoral degree in Political Science concentrating in Political Theory.
Samuel Jordan
Samuel Jordan is a junior at the University of Massachusetts, and is working towards a degree in Economics, with a minor in Computer Science. He is a recent Governor Elect of the Undergraduate Economics Club at UMass, and winner of the 2013 Undergraduate Economic Debate: Developing Countries Should Prefer Open Trade Policies. Currently, Sam is employed as an Assistant Economist at Regional Economic Models, Inc. (REMI), which was founded by former University of Massachusetts Amherst professor George Treyz and specializes in economic modeling, analysis, and consulting. Sam plans to graduate in May of 2014.