Other Cultural Factors
Other Cultural Factors angieliuIt is certainly worth mentioning that there are other factors that should be included in this model but were not because either they were difficult to quantify or because they were not available on a county-level breakdown. Many of these factors could have some part in making for a more significant regression. They include, but are not limited to, cultural and religious attitudes surrounding drinking, preferences in alcohol,19 attitudes towards luxury and inferior goods,20 and specific ethnic makeup.21 In addition, components like race, age groups and political affiliation that were previously mentioned could be expanded to include the income levels within those categories. For instance, if the median income in an area is relatively high, and we assume income to be important, but we also assume liberalism to be important, and for whatever reason all the Obama supporters in a county were all very poor, then perhaps that would be a reason for less breweries occupying a certain area than would otherwise be expected.
19 Some areas may prefer cocktails or wine over beer, regardless of its quality.
20 Some people in the “target demographic” clearly prefer cheaper macrobeer for its “hipster” credibility.
21 Some people may come from cultures with their own unique drinks or drinking habits that have little interest in what it is that American companies are brewing.