Marta Vicarelli
Assistant Professor
- 2011 - Ph.D. in Sustainable Development, Columbia University
- 2005 - Master International Affairs, Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs
- 2003 - M.A. Environmental Economics, École Polytechnique, Paris, France
- 2002 - B.S. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, École Normale Supérieure (ENS-Ulm), Paris, France Professional Experience
Professional Experience
- 2020–present: Principal Investigator, Sustainable Policy Lab (SUP Lab, University of Massachusetts Amherst)
- 2023–present: Research Associate Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change and University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy
- 2009-2019: Visiting Professor, Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) Sciences Po., Paris, France
- May 2011 - Dec 2012: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Climate and Energy Institute, Yale University
- 2008-2011: Adjunct Faculty - Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs
- 2010-2011: Sustainability Science Fellow - Harvard University, Center for International Development, Sustainability Science Program
- 2009-2010: Giorgio Ruffolo Fellow - Harvard University, Center for International Development, Sustainability Science Program
- 2006-2010: Researcher - Center for Climate Systems Research (CCSR), Columbia University
- 2004-2010: Research Fellow - NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies, New York with a fellowship sponsored by the Earth Institute of Columbia University
- 2008: Peccei Research Fellow - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria
- 2007: Young Research Fellow - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria
- 2004: Environmental Policy Consultant - United Nations Development Program, Trinidad and Tobago
- 2003: Consultant OECD, Paris Conducted Survey on Firm Level Economic Efficiency and Environmental Policies, and co-authored report to OECD and French Ministry of the Environment.
Other Professional Activity
- 2020–present: Co-Founder and Co-Director, United Nations Global Sustainable Solutions Winter School. Partnerships between University of Massachusetts Amherst, McMaster University (Canada), United Nations University, United Nations Environment Programme, PEDRR.
- 2018- present: Associate researcher, Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR) - global alliance of UN agencies, NGOs and specialist institutes. 2021–present: Member, Executive Team of the UMass Northeast Center for Coastal Resilience.
Research Interests
- The risks and the socio-economic impacts of climate variability and climate change.
- The economics of Nature-based Solutions for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.
- Climate resilience and green-recovery strategies
- Renewable energy economics and policy.
- Environmental and Resource Economics
- Econometrics
- Environmental Policy
- Political Economy of the Environment
- 2022 UMass School of Earth and Sustainability – Seed Grant. $10,000. Co-PI. “Pathways towards Transportation Infrastructure Resiliency in New England” Ongoing (9/2022 to 12/2023). With Eleni Christofa (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Camille Barchers (LARP), Chengbo Ai (Civil and Environmental Engineering), and Michael Knodler (Civil and Environmental Engineering).
- 2021 NSF, $200,000. PI. Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP). “Towards a green and inclusive post-pandemic recovery of the Blue Economy and coastal communities (RRR-Coast)” Ongoing (3/2022 to 3/2025). This grant is part of a larger T-AP award, equivalent to $2,000,000. Participating institutions: University of Costa Rica (Costa Rica), University of Glasgow (Scotland), University of Massachusetts Amherst, and United Nations University (Bonn, Germany).
- 2021 European Union, €5,000,000. Staff associate. Nature-based solutions, prevention and reduction of risks and the insurance sector (HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-06 ). “Naturance – Insurance for Nature, Nature for Insurance” Ongoing (3/2022 to 3/2025). Participating institutions: Cambridge University (UK), the Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change (Italy), IIASA (Austria), Kalsruher Institute fur Technologie (KIT) (Germany), Stockholm University (Sweden), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands), and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (UK).
- 2021 NSF, $19,518,064. Submitted, not awarded, invited for resubmission. Co-PI. PI: Rob de Conto, School of Earth and Sustainability. Large-scale CoPe: Northeast Center for Coastal Resilience (NCCR). “Building a Framework for a Climate-Adaptive, Just, and Thriving Coastal New England.” Participating universities: UMass Amherst, UMass Boston, UMass Lowell, and UMass Dartmouth.
- 2021 UMass College of Social & Behavioral Sciences Dean's Research Council, $5,000. PI. “Ecosystem-based approaches to climate-change adaptation and disaster risk reduction: a global review”
- 2020 NSF, Sustainable Regional Systems Research Networks (20–611 SRS RN), $149,000 . Faculty Associate. PI: Elizabeth Infield, LARP UMass. “Preparing Receiving Regions for a Just and Sustainable Climate Migration – Systems and Scenarios for New England.”
- 2018 UMass School of Behavioral Sciences Ken Feinberg Course Development Grant $5,000. The grant supports the design and development of a new course using the Feinberg Innovation Space, a new classroom facility with cutting-edge audio and video capabilities. “PUBADMIN 697EV- Environmental Policy and Economic Analysis”.
Selected Honors and Awards
- 2021 PEDRR Champion Award for research on Nature-based Solutions, United Nations Environment Programme.
- 2011 Best Poster Award at the Northeast Universities Development Consortium Conference at Yale University “El Nino and Mexican Children: medium-term effects of early-life weather shocks on cognitive and health outcomes”.
- 2008 Best Publication Award, NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies.
- 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, Contributing author to the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) 4th Assessment Report.