Katherine Moos
Assistant Professor

- Ph.D., Economics, The New School for Social Research, 2017
- M.A., Economics, The New School for Social Research, 2014
- B.A., Political Economy, Sarah Lawrence College, 2006
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2017-Present
- Visiting Faculty, Sarah Lawrence College, 2015-2017
Research Interests
- Political economy of policy and the welfare state
- Social reproduction, unpaid household labor, and care work
- Time-use and working-hours legislation
- Public Finance
- Political Economy
- Microeconomics
Honors and Awards
- Edith Henry Johnson Memorial Award in Economics, Civil Affairs and Education (awarded for the dissertation “Essays on the Theory and Political Economy of Economic Policy,” 2017)
- Eberstadt Prize Fellowship (New School for Social Research, 2014-2017)
- University Fellowship (New School for Social Research, 2013-2014)
- Schwartz Research Fellowship (Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, 2013- 2014)
- 2012—2013: NSSR Tuition Scholarship
- 2007—2008: Emerson National Hunger Fellowship
- 2020: Visiting Scholar at Kokugakuin University Graduate School, Tokyo (Invited: Funded 30-day stay in Japan cancelled due to Covid-19 pandemic)
- 2022, 2021, 2019, 2018: Center for Teaching and Learning Flex Grant for Faculty Development
- 2022, 2019: Massachusetts Society of Professors Research Support Grant
- 2021-2022: Groundwork Collaborative Research Grant “Interrogating Austerity: An Intersectional Political Economy Perspective” (with Luiza Nassif-Pires and Ajit Zacharias, Levy Economics Institute) $80,000 awarded
- 2022: Association of Social Economics (ASE) Helen Potter Award for Best Paper in Review ofSocial Economy, 2021
Refereed Publications
Moos, Katherine A. (2020) “The Political Economy of State Regulation: The Case of the British Factory Acts," Cambridge Journal of Economics, Forthcoming.
Moos, Katherine A. (2020). “The Historical Evolution of the Cost of Social Reproduction in the United States, 1959-2012”, Review of Social Economy, In Press.
Moos, Katherine A. (2019). “Neoliberal Redistributive Policy: The US Net Social Wage in the 21st Century”, Review of Radical Political Economics, 51(4): 581-605.
Moos, Katherine A. (2019). “The Facts and the Values of the Lucas Critique”, Review of Political Economy, 31(1): 1-25.
Moos, Katherine A. and K. Vela Vellupillai (2014). “Stabilisation Policy—Phillips before the Phillips Curve”, Global & Local Economic Review, 18(1): 5-19.
Book Chapters
“Care Work.” Routledge Handbook of Feminist Economics (eds Günseli Berik and Ebru Kongar), invited chapter.
Book Reviews
Moos, Katherine A (2016), Review of “Finding Time: The Economics of Work-Life Conflict” by Heather Boushey, Review of Political Economy, 28(3) and Feminist Economics, 22(4).
Other Publications
Moos, Katherine A. (2020), “Making the Case for Equitable Growth: Comments on the 2020 David Gordon Memorial Lecture,” Review of Radical Political Economics, 52(4).
Shaikh, Anwar and Moos, Katherine A. (2015), “Theories of Competition and the Crisis of Capitalism”, Rubra Revista, 21(13): 13-14.
Papers Under Review
Moos, Katherine A. “Coronavirus Fiscal Policy in the United States: Lessons from Feminist Political Economy,” Revise and resubmit: Feminist Economics.
Moos, Katherine A. and Hao Qi. “The State’s Response to the Crisis of Neoliberalism: A Comparison of the Net Social Wage in China and the United States, 1992-2017,” Under initial review: International Review of Applied Economics.
Research in Progress
Moos, Katherine A. “Theorizing the Societal Cost of Social Reproduction.”
Moos, Katherine A. and Noé M. Wiener. “The Political Economy of Household Production in the Social Division of Labor.”
Gonalons-Pons, Pilar and Katherine A. Moos. “A Comparison of the Cost of Social Reproduction in the US and the UK: Evidence from the Luxembourg Income Study and Multi- National Time Use Study (MTUS).”
Nassif Pires, Luiza and Katherine A. Moos. “US Social Reproduction: A Feminist Input-Output Analysis.”
Spring 2018, Spring 2010, Spring 2020: Econ 709—The Political Economy of Race and Gender Spring 2020: STPEC 491H—Focus Seminar on the Political Economy of Race and Gender
Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2019: Econ 313—Public Finance
Fall 2018: Econ 340—Economics of Health
Fall 2019: Econ 103—Principles of Microeconomics
Jackson Allison, Economics, Dissertation Committee Member, (PhD Defended 2020)
Manuel Garcia, Economics, Dissertation Committee Member, (Proposal Defended 2020)
Casey Buchholz, Economics, Pre-Dissertation Advisor
Anamary Maqueira Linares, Economics, Dissertation Committee Chair
Duc Hien Nguyen, Economics, Dissertation Committee Member
Samantha Sterba, Economics, Dissertation Committee Member, (PhD Defended 2020)
Invited Talks and Lectures
March 2020: “The Historical Evolution of the Cost of Social Reproduction in the United States, 1959-2012”, Department of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
January 2020: Invited discussant following 2020 David Gordon Memorial Lecture by Heather Boushey, ASSA, San Diego, CA
April 2019: “The Historical Evolution of the Cost of Social Reproduction in the United States, 1959-2012”, Department of Economics Seminar Series, New School for Social Research, New York, NY
November 2018: “Social Reproduction Theory and Feminist Economics”, Nichols College, Fischer Institute, Dudley, MA
May 2018: “Neoliberal Redistributive Policy: The Net Social Wage in the 21st Century”, (Graduate Seminar) Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
May 2018: “Neoliberal Redistributive Policy: The Net Social Wage in the 21st Century”, (Graduate Seminar) Renmin University, Beijing, China
Selected Conference Presentations and Panels
July 2019: “The Historical Evolution of the Cost of Social Reproduction in the United States, 1959-2012,” International Initiative for Pluralism and Political Economy (IIPPE), Lille, France
June 2019: “The Historical Evolution of the Cost of Social Reproduction in the United States, 1959-2012,” International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE), Glasgow, Scotland
March 2019: “The Historical Evolution of the Cost of Social Reproduction in the United States, 1959-2012,” Eastern Economic Association (EEA), New York, NY
January 2019: Race, Immigration, Gender: Advances in Heterodox Methodology (panel co- organizer), Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA
September 2018: “Endogenizing the Economic Theory of Social Reproduction: Feminist- Marxian Economics as a General Theory”, URPE 50th Anniversary Conference, Amherst, MA
September 2018: “Neoliberal Redistributive Policy: The U.S. Net Social Wage in the 21st Century”, URPE 50th Anniversary Conference, Amherst, MA
September 2018: “Feminist Radical Political Economy: At Home in URPE?” (invited roundtable participant) URPE 50th Anniversary Conference, Amherst, MA
June 2018: “Endogenizing the Economic Theory of Social Reproduction: Feminist-Marxian Economics as a General Theory”, International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE), New Paltz, NY
June 2018: “Feminist Thought, Political Economy, and Law,” Association for the Promotion of Political Economy and the Law (APPEAL), Amherst, MA
June 2018: “Endogenizing the Economic Theory of Social Reproduction: Feminist-Marxian Economics as a General Theory”, Marx and Contemporary Social Sciences Workshop, Amherst, MA (invited participant)
March 2018: “The Political Economy of U.S. Family Medical Leave Policy in the Neoliberal Era”, Contributions to Radical Feminist Political Economy: Intersectional Approaches (panel co- organizer), Eastern Economic Association (EEA), Boston, MA
January 2018: “Neoliberal Redistributive Policy: The Net Social Wage in the 21st Century”, Radical Approaches to Economic Policy Analysis in Advanced Capitalism (panel co-organizer), International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE), Philadelphia, PA
February 2016: “Social Legislation in Industrial and Post-Industrial Capitalism”, Political Economy of Labor Relations Panel (panel co-organizer), Eastern Economic Association (EEA), Washington, DC
January 2016: “The Lucas Critique Reconsidered”, Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
May 2014: “The Impact of the Welfare State on Economic Growth in Six Countries” Conference on the Transformation of Labor Relations in Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal
March 2013: “Putting the Public Back in Public Finance: Labor’s Net Social Wage”, Eastern Economic Association (EEA), Boston, MA
Public Lectures
April 2019: “Introduction to Feminist Political Economy” (with Luiza Nassif Pires), Socialist Feminist Convergence, Philadelphia, PA
June 2018: “Intersectionality, Social Reproduction, and Marxist-Feminism”, PVDSA Feminist Caucus Film Screening and Panel Discussion, Holyoke, MA
March 2017: “Introduction to Feminist Economics: Free Lecture for the International Women’s Strike”, The New School for Social Research, New York, NY
Winter 2016: “Introduction to Political Economy and Economics: A Six Session Course”, New York Public Library, New York, NY
Ad Hoc Journal Referee
Review of Social Economy, Review of Political Economy, Review of Radical Political Economics, Feminist Economics, Journal of Labor and Society, European Journal of Women’s Studies
Departmental Service
2020—2021: Graduate Program Committee
2018—2020: Political Economy Workshop Organizer
2018—2019: Economics Faculty Search Committee
2017—2018: Sheridan Committee
English (native), Spanish (fluent)