Jennifer S. Long
Ph.D., Economics, University of Tennessee, 1997
- Major Fields: Economic History and Regional Economics
- Sub-Fields: History of Economic Thought and Macroeconomics
- Dissertation: Crisis or Adjustment? The Long View of Changing Employment in One Southern City
- Dissertation Advisors: Anne Mayhew, Ph.D., and Walter C, Neale, Ph.D.
B.A, Economics, University of Tulsa, 1992
- Minor in English
- Phi Beta Kappa
Professional Appointments
Professor of Economics
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, 1999-2022
- Taught a four-four or five-four course load each semester, including Economics courses and team-taught courses within the University's interdisciplinary Core.
- Advised 20-30 undergraduates each semester.
- Served on the Advisory Board of the Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher Center for Social Justice and Racial Healing
- Certified as a Title IX Advisor through June of 2023
- Awarded tenure and promotion of Associate Professor in 2005, and promotion to Professor in 2012.
Director of the Interdisciplinary Core Curriculum
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, 2007-2020
- Coordinated with department chairs to schedule and staff teams of faculty across multiple sections of 15 Core courses each semester.
- Worked with other administrators during the re-accreditation process for HLC.
- Ensured that faculty teams met course objectives, and responded to all student concerns and feedback about instructors’s performances.
- Interviewed prospective faculty hires across all academic disciplines, and mentored those hired to teach in the Core.
- Spearheaded a general review of the Core and implemented the changes to course content and program structure
- Served on various administrative committees, including Academic Strategic Planning; Enrollment Management; search committees for faculty and staff positions; Assessment and Accreditation; and Strategic Budgeting
Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics
Keene State College, 1997-1999
- Taught a four-four course load each semester across the Economics major
Courses Taught
- Principles of Microeconomics
- Principles of Macroeconomics
- Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
- Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
- Labor Economics
- Money and Banking
- Comparative Economic Systems
- Economics of Race, Class, and Gender
- History of Economic Thought
- International Economics
- Public Finance
- U.S. Economic History
- Regional Economics
- The Political Economy of Debt
- Heterodox Economic Theory
- Rhetoric and Critical Thinking
- The Individual in Contemporary Society (Intro to Social Sciences)
- American Civ I (through 1877)
- American Civ II (1877-present)
- Political and Economic Systems and Theories
- World Thought and Culture II (History of Humanities, 100 C.E. - 1700 C.E.)
- World Thought and Culture III (History of Humanities, 1700 C.E. - present)
- Senior Research Seminar
Building Bridges/Dismantling Racism for the Common Good, June 9-11, 2021
- Discussion moderator for all conference presentations
- Lecture for On-Demand Sessions, “Economic Impacts of Racial Stratification” (
Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC) Annual Meeting, June 2018
- Presented “The Liberal Arts through Team Teaching”
- “Building Community” panel moderator
“Government Job Creation Programs--Lessons from the 1930s and 1940s.” Journal of Economic Issues, 33(4), 1999
“Race, Self-Employment, and Upward Mobility: An Elusive American Dream.” Book Review. Journal of Economic Issues, 33(3), 1999
“Contesting the Market: Pay Equity and the Politics of Economic Restructuring.” Book Review. Journal of Economic Issues, 32(3), 1998
“Unlevel Playing Fields: Understanding Wage Inequality and Discrimination.” Book Review. Journal of Economic Issues, 31(3), 1997