307 Crotty Hall

Curriculum Vitae




Department of Economics

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Amherst, MA 01002


Professor Emeritus

Department of Economics

University of Nebraska

Lincoln, NE 68506-0489


B.A. (Economics), State University of New York at Albany, 1971.

M.A. (Economics), State University of New York at Albany, 1972.

M.S. (Economics), University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1987.

Ph.D. (Economics), University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1989.


Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Nebraska—Lincoln (1989-1996)

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Nebraska—Lincoln (1996-2007)

Professor, Department of Economics, University of Nebraska—Lincoln (2007-2015)

Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics, University of Nebraska—Lincoln (2015-present)

Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Mount Holyoke College (2015-2017)

Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2017-present)


International Economics, International Trade, Open-Economy Macroeconomics, Macroeconomics, History of Economic Thought, Economic Growth and Development, Economics of Immigration.


  • Union of Radical Political Economists (URPE)
  • Association for Institutional Thought (President 2017-2018, Board member 2016-2021)
  • World Economic Association (WEA)
  • Association for Social Economics (ASE)


  1. “The Impact of Transactions Activities on U.S. Productivity Growth” (with Scott Fuess), Economics Letters, Vol. 38 (1992):243-247.
  2. “A Novel Test of the Monetary Approach Using Black Market Exchange Rates and the Johansen-Juselius Cointegration Method” (with Sanath Jayanetti), Economics Letters, Vol. 41 (1993):413-418.
  3. “Foreign Trade and Economic Growth: Time Series Evidence from Latin America” (with Jim Schmidt), The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Vol. 4, No. 3 (1994): 249-268.
  4. “Free Market Reforms in Mexico: Are the Labor Markets Next?” The Journal of Latin American Affairs, Vol. 2, No. 2 (1994):41-45.
  5. “Getting Closer to the Long Run: Using Black Market Exchange Rates to Test Purchasing Power Parity” (with Sanath Jayanetti), The Indian Journal of Economics, Vol. 75, No. 298 (1995):291-301.
  6. “Tariffs and Quotas in an Endogenous Policy Model: Are Tariffs Still Better than Quotas?” Journal of Economic Integration, Vol. 10, No. 1 (1995), pp. 32-48.
  7. “The Impact of Transactions Activities on Productivity Growth in Canada, and a Comparison with the United States” (with Scott Fuess), The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 6, No. 1 (1995), pp. 1-15.
  8. “Anticipating Labor Market Reform in Mexico,” Latin American Studies, Vol. 14 (1995), pp. 37- 49.
  9. “Does Simultaneity Distort Tests of the Trade-Growth Relationship?” Applied Economics Letters, Vol 3, No. 3 (1996).
  10. “Does GNP Growth Exaggerate Growth in ‘Actual’ Output? The Case of the United States” (with Scott Fuess), The Review of Income and Wealth, Series 42, Number 1, (1996):35-48.
  11. “Mexico's Futile Attempt to Defy Purchasing Power Parity” (with Atrayee Ghoshroy-Saha), Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 3 (1996):395-399.
  12. “Growth in Africa: Does the Source of Investment Financing Matter?” (with Steven Most). Applied Economics, Vol. 28 (1996):1427-1433.
  13. “La Relación entre el Libre Comercio y el Crecimiento Económico: La Evidencia Econométrica para América Latina,” Comercio Exterior, Vol. 46(5), May (1996):364-373.
  14. “Transactions Activities and Productivity in Taiwan” (with Scott Fuess), Journal of Asian Economics, Vol. 7, No. 4, (1996):635-650.
  15. “Trade as the Engine of Economic Growth in Asia: What the Empirical Evidence Really Tells Us”, Journal of Economic Integration, Vol. 11(4), (1996):510-538.
  16. “Transactions Activities and Productivity Growth in Mexico” (with Scott Fuess), The Journal of Developing Areas, Vol. 30 (1997):387-398.
  17. “The Relationship between International Trade and Economic Growth in Mexico,” The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 8(1) (1997):1-21.
  18. “Fiscal Decentralization and Government Size: An International Test for Leviathan Accounting for Unmeasured Economic Activity” (with John Anderson), International Tax and Public Finance, Vol. 5 (1998):171-186.
  19. “Does GDP Distort Mexico's Economic Performance?” (with Scott Fuess), Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 64 (1998):973-986.
  20. “Does GDP Distort Taiwan's Economic Growth?” (with Scott Fuess), Asia Pacific Economic Review, (1999).
  21. “Are Petroleum Exports an Engine for Growth? Time-Series Evidence for Five Oil Exporters” (With Atrayee Ghosh Roy), The Journal of Energy and Development., Vol. 26(1) (2000):55-69.
  22. “Do Capital-Importing Countries Really Grow Faster? An Empirical Test Using Panel Data for 27 Countries” (With Joshua Lewer), Global Economy Quarterly, Vol. 2(1) (2001).
  23. “India’s Experience with (Partial) Capital Account Convertibility” (With Sivakumar Sivaprakasam), The Indian Economic Journal, Vol. 48(2) (2002):47-57.
  24. “Does Annual Per Capita Real GDP Overstate or Understate the Growth of Individual Welfare over the Past Two Centuries?” The Independent Review, Vol. 7(2) (2002):181-196.
  25. “Do Static Gains from Trade Lead to Medium-Run Growth?” (With Joshua Lewer), The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Vol. 13 (2003).
  26. “How Large Is International Trade's Effect on Economic Growth?” (With Joshua Lewer), The Journal of Economic Surveys, (2003), Vol. 17(3):363-396
  27. “The Impact of 1990s Immigration on the Economy of Dawson County” (With Orn Bodvarsson), Great Plains Research, Vol. 13(2) (2004):291-310.
  28. “The Magnificent Progress Achieved By Capitalism: Is the Evidence Really Incontrovertible?” Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, Vol. 5(2) (2004):1-19.
  29. “How Large Is International Trade’s Effect on Economic Growth?” (With Joshua Lewer), Chapter 5 in Donald A. R. George, Les Oxley, and Kenneth I. Carlaw (eds.), Surveys in Economic Growth, Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (2004):137-170.
  30. “How Does Immigration Affect Local Demand? A Model and Test From Rural Nebraska” (with Orn Bodvarsson), Research in Labor Economics (2005), Vol. 24:1-33.
  31. “Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: A Time-Series Approach” (with Atrayee Ghosh Roy), Global Economy Quarterly, January (2006).
  32. “Estimating the Institutional and Network Effects of Religious Cultures on International Trade” (with Joshua Lewer), Kyklos (2007), Vol. 60(2):255-277.
  33. “Religion and International Trade: Does the Sharing of a Religious Culture Facilitate the Formation of Trade Networks?” (with Joshua Lewer), American Journal of Economics and Sociology (2007), Vol. 66(4):765-794.
  34. “A Gravity Model of Immigration” (with Joshua Lewer), Economics Letters, Vol. 99 (2008): 164-167.
  35. “Measuring Immigration’s Effects on Labor Demand: A Reexamination of the Mariel Boatlift” (with Orn Bodvarsson and Joshua Lewer), Labour Economics (2008), Vol. 15:560-574.
  36. “Does Immigration Stimulate International Trade? Measuring the Channels of Influence” (with Joshua Lewer), International Trade Journal (2009), Vol. 23.
  37. “Budget Deficits and U.S. Economic Growth” (with Atrayee Ghoshroy), Economics Bulletin (2009), Vol 29(4):3015-3030.
  38. “How Important is Domestic Saving for U.S. Economic Growth? A Time-Series Analysis” (with Atrayee Ghoshroy), International Journal of Economics (2009), Vol. 3(2):77-93.
  39. “Brazil“, in James Cimet (ed.), James Ciment Booms and Busts: An Encyclopedia of Economic History from Tulipmania of the 1630s to the Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century, Armonk, NY: M.E.Sharpe, 2010.
  40. “Chile“, in James Cimet (ed.), James Ciment Booms and Busts: An Encyclopedia of Economic History from Tulipmania of the 1630s to the Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century, Armonk, NY: M.E.Sharpe, 2010.
  41. “Financial Markets“, in James Cimet (ed.), James Ciment Booms and Busts: An Encyclopedia of Economic History from Tulipmania of the 1630s to the Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century, Armonk, NY: M.E.Sharpe, 2010.
  42. “The International Monetary System: 1944-Present”, in James Cimet (ed.), Global History: Cultural Encounters from Antiquity to the Present, Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2010.
  43. “A Sociological Case for Pluralism in Economics,” The International Journal for Pluralism and Economics Education (2011), Vol. 10(4):345-354.
  44. “Technology, Complexity, and Culture as Contributors to Financial Instability: A Generalization of Keynes’ Chapter 12 and Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis,” Journal of Economic Issues (2012), Vol. 46(2): 343-352.
  45. “Explaining Economists’ Pro-Growth Agenda: Does the Popular Solow Growth Model Bias Economic Analysis?”, The International Journal for Pluralism and Economics Education (2012), Vol. 3(1):40-62.
  46. “The Irrelevance of the Invisible Hand,” (with Matthew Van den Berg), Challenge (2012) Vol. 54(4, JulAug):24-49.
  47. “Complexity and the Culture of Economics: A Sociological and Inter-Disciplinary Analysis” The Journal of Philosophical Economics (2012), Vol. 5(2):38-63.
  48. “How the Culture of Economics Stops Economists from Studying Group Behavior and the Development of Social Cultures,” World Economic Review, Vol. 2013(3):53-68.
  49. “Growth Theory after Keynes, Part I: The Unfortunate Suppression of the Harrod-Domar Model,” The Journal of Philosophical Economics (2013), Vol. 7(1):2-28.
  50. “Growth Theory after Keynes, Part II: 75 Years of Obstruction by the Mainstream Economics Culture,” The Journal of Philosophical Economics (2014), Vol. 7(2).
  51. “Not Enough Markets to Sustain an Invisible Hand Metaphor,” (with Matthew Van den Berg), The International Journal for Pluralism and Economics Education (2014), Vol. 5(2):157-179.
  52. “Extending the Harrod-Domar Model: Warranted Growth with Immigration, Natural Environmental Constraints, and Technological Change,” (with Alfredo Rosete), American Review of Political Economy (2017), Vol. 13(1).
  53. “Mainstream Economics' Flight from Complexity,” Forum for Social Economics (2018), Vol 47(1):8-31.
  54. “Getting Serious About the Limits to Growth: ELR and Economic Restructuring Under Decroissance,” Chapter 4, pp. 83-108 in Michael J. Murray and Mathew Forstater, Eds., (2018), Full Employment and Social Justice: Solidarity and Sustainability, published for the Binzagr Institute for Sustainable Prosperity by Palgrave MacMillan, Cham, Switzerland, 2018.
  55. “Macroeconomic Policy in an Environmentally-Constrained Economy: A Dialectical Materialist Application of the Harrod Growth Model,” (with Alfredo Rosete), Review of Radical Political Economics (2019), Vol. 51(4).


  1. International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE), Chicago, January, 2017, “Economic Pluralism Is Not Enough: We Need Inter-Disciplinary Education to Understand the Complexity of Human Existence.”
  2. University of Massachusetts Economics Conference to Celebrate the New Crotty Building, April 2017, “Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) vs. Employment of Last Resort (ELR)”
  3. University of Utrecht, Conference on Current Issues in Immigration, Utrecht, Netherlands, June, 2017, “Models, Data, and the Analysis of Immigration: The Standard Methodologies Are Not Useful for Policy.
  4. International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE), Philadelphia, January, 2018, “Extending the Harrod-Domar Model: Warranted Growth with Immigration, Natural Environmental Constraints, and Technological Change (with Riko Rosette).
  5. Association for Institutional Thought, San Antonio, TX, April, 2018, “What Does Corporate Hegemony Imply for International Economics: Is Mainstream Theory Still Relevant?”
  6. URPE 50th Anniversary Conference, Amherst, MA, September, 2018
  7. Southern Economic Association Meetings, Washington, DC, November, 2018, “An Advanced Introduction to Heterodox International Trade Theory”
  8. International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE), Philadelphia, January, 2019, “Interpreting the 1970s from the Materialist Dialectic and Post Keynesian Perspectives.”
  9. Allied Social Science Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January, 2019, Union of Radical Political Economics session: “Extending the Harrod-Domar Model: Warranted Growth with Immigration, Natural Environmental Constraints, and Technological Change” (with Riko Rosette). 
  10. Macroeconomic Policy in an Environmentally-Constrained Economy: A Dialectical Materialist Application of the Harrod Growth Model
  11. Interpreting the 1970s from Materialist Dialectic and Post-Keynesian Perspectives ICAPE Conference Program, January 3, 2019, Agnes Scott College, 141 E. College Ave., Decatur, GA.
  12. “Institutions and Natural Law: Does Laissez-faire Really Lead to an Optimal Institutional Structure?” ICAPE Conference Preliminary Program, January 5-6, 2020, University of San Diego.
  13. URPE, Chicago January, 2021, Comparing the Ecological Thinking of Marx and Veblen: Who Had the Better Foresight? URPE Session at the ASSA Conference, Chicago, IL, January.
  14. “Harrod on the Effect of Immigration on Macroeconomic Growth,” (with Alfredo R. M. Rosete), ICAPE Meeting, Boston, MA, January., 2022.


  • Economic Growth and Development, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001 (ISBN: 0-07-239797-7).
  • International Economics, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004 (ISBN: 0-07-239796-9; 0-07-121517-4 international edition).
  • International Economics: A Heterodox Approach, 2011, 2nd Ed., M.E.Sharpe. (ISBN: 9-780765-625441).
  • International Economics: A Heterodox Approach, 3rd. edition, 2016, Routledge (ISBN: 987-1138-94504-3)
  • International Trade and Economic Growth (With Joshua Lewer), 2007. Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe, Inc. (ISBN: 0-7656-1803-6).
  • The Economics of Immigration (with Orn Bodvarsson), 2009. Springer. (ISBN: 978-3-540-77795-3)
  • The Economics of Immigration (with Orn Bodvarsson); 2nd Ed., 2013. Springer. (ISBN: 978-1-4614-2115-3).
  • International Finance and Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Theory, Policy, and History, 2010. World Scientific Publishers. (ISBN: 978-981-4293-51-8).
  • International Finance and Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Theory, Policy, and History, 2nd Edition, 2016. World Scientific Publishers. (ISBN: 978-981-4651165).
  • Economic Growth and Development, 2nd. Edition, 2012, World Scientific Publishers. (ISBN: 978-981-4374-64-4).
  • Economic Growth and Development, 3nd. Edition, 2016, World Scientific Publishers. (ISBN: 978-981-473333- 5)
  • Introduction to Macroeconomics, draft manuscript of an introductory textbook, currently under revision after using in ECON 104 at UMass, Fall, 2021.


  • Introduction to International Economics (ECON 321X), Division of Continuing Studies, University of Nebraska, 1993. (Includes homeworks, self-test exercises, and progress exams)
  • Introduction to International Economics (ECON 321X), Division of Continuing Studies, University of Nebraska, 1999, 2nd Edition. (Includes homeworks, self-test exercises, and progress exams)
  • Introduction to International Economics (ECON 321X), Division of Continuing Studies, University of Nebraska, 2004, 3rd Edition, full on-line version. (Includes homework, self-tests exercises, and exams)
  • Introduction to International Economics (ECON 321X), Division of Continuing Studies, University of Nebraska, 2011, 4th Edition, full on-line version. (Includes homework, self-tests exercises, and exams)
  • International Business (GRBA 852), College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska (A core course of the UNL online MBA course)
  • International Finance (ECON 822), College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska (A required course for the International Specialization in the UNL online MBA Program)


1974-79: Foreign Service Officer, United States Department of State, including two years as Commercial Officer at the U.S. Embassy,

Managua, Nicaragua, and two years as Promotion and Market Research

Officer at the U.S. Trade Center in São Paulo, Brazil.

1979-80: General Manager, Marsteller Ltda., São Paulo, Brazil, the Brazilian branch of Marsteller, Inc., a Chicago-based advertising and public relations firm.

1980-82: Planning & Business Development Manager, Singer do Brasil, São Paulo, Brazil.

1983-85: Operated Vandenberg and Associates, a public relations firm, in Loveland, Colorado.


Fluent: Portuguese, Spanish, and Dutch; Working knowledge: German, French