Gerald Friedman
204 Gordon Hall
- Ph.D., Economics, Harvard University, 1986. Dissertation: Politics and Unions: Government, Ideology, and the Labor Movement in the United States and France, 1880-1914.
- B.A., Economics and History, Columbia University, 1977
Professional Experience
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst: Department of Economics, September 1984-present
- Tufts University: Department of Economics, Lecturer, September 1983-June 1984
- Clark University: Department of Economics, Part-time Instructor, Spring 1983
- International Ladies Garment Workers' Union: Research Assistant, June 1977-July 1978
Research Interests
- Economic History: 19th and 20th century United States
- New World Slavery: 19th and 20th century France
- Labor History: Europe and North America
- Labor Economics
- Political Economy
- The Economics of Health Care
Honors and Awards
- German Marshall Fund of the United States Fellowship, 1989-90
- Certificate of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Harvard-Danforth Center for Teaching, Harvard University, 1981
- Phi Beta Kappa and Magna Cum Laude from Columbia University
Professional Activities
- Drafted financing plans for single-payer health care systems for Maryland, Massachusetts and the United States.
- Associate Editor of Labor History 2003-present.
- Member of the Editorial Board, The Journal of Economic History (September 1994 - 1998).
- Member of the Editorial Board, The American Journal of Sociology (September 1995 - 1997).
- American Economic Association
- Economic History Association
- Labor and Working Class History Association
- Social Science History Association
- Society for French Historical Studies
Positions Held
- International Ladies Garment Workers' Union: Research Assistant, June 1977-July 1978.
- Clark University: Department of Economics, Part-time Instructor, Spring 1983.
- Tufts University: Department of Economics, Lecturer, September 1983-June 1984.
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst: Department of Economics, Instructor September 1984- August 1986; Assistant Professor, September 1986-August 1992; Associate Professor, September 1992-August 2004; Professor, September 2004- present.
Written Work
- Microeconomics: Individual Choice in Communities. Boston, Dollars and Sense, 2015 (second edition).
- Oxford Companion to United States History: Labor and Economic History, ed. with Melvyn Dubofsky and Joseph McCartin. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013.
- The Dollars and Sense Economic Crisis Reader, ed. with Fred Moseley. Boston, Dollars and Sense, 2010.
- Reigniting the Labor Movement: Restoring Means to Ends in a Democratic Labor Movement. London; New York: Routledge, 2008.
- State-Making and Labor Movements. The United States and France, 1876-1914. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1998.
Journal Articles:
- “A Future for Growth?” Review of Radical Political Economics (September 2017)
- “Wealth, Capital, and the Laws of History,” Labor History (forthcoming).
- “Shuttered Factories and Closed Politics,” Labor History 56:1 (2015), 70-75.
- “Un modèle américain pour l’Europe ? Politique fiscale et fédéralisme aux États-Unis” Lise (forthcoming).
- “Workers without employers: shadow corporations and the rise of the gig economy” Review of Keynesian Economics 2:2 (Summer 2014), 171-188.
- “Les États-providence américains : valeurs et politique dans la fabrique du système redistributif des États-Unis” Cycnos: les études anglophones 30 (Jan 2014), 3-22.
- “American Labor and American Law: Exceptionalism and its politics in the decline of the American labor movement” in Law, Culture, and Humanities (Winter 2013).
- “In the Shadow of Terry Malloy,” Labor History 51:3 (August 2011), 228-32.
- “The Crisis and the Economists: A Guide to the Perplexed,” Labor History Vol. 51, No. 3, August 2010, 345–362.
- “What would a reignited labor movement look like?” Labor History 50:4 (November 2009), 459- 65.
- “Labor and the Bush Administration: ‘Down so long seem like up to me’” Lire 8:1 (2010), 69- 85.
- “Is Labor Dead?” International Labor and Working-Class History 75:1 (March 2009), 126-144.
- “The Dialectics of Management and Politics” Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal 30:1 (Fall 2008), 77-84.
- “Studying Labor’s Decline” Labor History 47 (November, 2006), 570-76.
- “Labor History Theory and Practice: Introduction” Labor History 47 (May 2006), 159-60.
- “Is there Class Struggle in the New Institutionalism?” Labor History 47 (May 2006),
- “Need, Aspiration, and Opportunity in the Making of the American Exceptionalism” in Historical Materialism (Winter 2005).
- “Labor’s next upsurge?” in Labor History 45 (August 2004), 364-70.
- “Success and Failure in Third Party Politics: The Knights of Labor and the Union Labor Coalition in Massachusetts, 1884-88” International Labor and Working Class History 62 (Fall 2002), 164-88.
- “What is wrong with Economics? And what will make it right?” Working USA (Fall 2000), 133- 47.
- “The Political Economy of Early Southern Unionism: Race, Politics, and Labor in the South, 1880-1953” Journal of Economic History 60 (June 2000), 384-413.
- “New Estimates of United States Union Membership, 1880-1914” Historical Methods 32 (Spring 1999), 75-86.
- “Revolutionary Syndicalism and French Labor: The Rebels Behind the Cause” French Historical Studies (Spring 1997).
- “Worker Militancy and its Consequences: Political Responses to Labor Unrest in the United States, 1877-1914,” International Labor and Working Class History (Fall 1991), 5-17.
- “Capitalism, Socialism, Republicanism and the State: France 1877-1914,” Social Science History 14:1 (Spring 1990), 151-74.
- “The State and the Making of the Working Class, France and the United States 1880-1914,” Theory and Society (May 1988), 403-30.
- “Strike Success and Union Ideology, the United States and France, 1880-1914,” Journal of Economic History (March 1988), 1-25.
- “Secular Changes in American and British Stature and Nutrition,” (with R.W. Fogel et. al.), Journal of Interdisciplinary History (Winter 1983), 445-81.
- “The Heights of Slaves in Trinidad,” Social Science History (November 1982), 482-515.
Book Chapters:
- “Introducing Institutional Microeconomics through the study of the history of Economic Thought” in Luigi Ventimiglia, Daniela Tavasci (eds.) Teaching History of Economic Thought and Economics in a Historical Perspective (Cheletenham, UK, Edward Elgar, forthcoming).
- “Relance repenser?” in Jean-Christian Vinel and Stéphane Sirot, eds., La Grève en exil (Paris, Editions Arbre Bleu, 2014).
- “Employment regulation in a neoliberal context: the United States” in Carola Frege and John Kelly, eds., Comparative Employment Relations (London, Routledge, 2013).
- “The Economists’ turn against the unions: from historical institutionalism to neoclassical individualism after the American century” in Gregor Gall, Antiunionism in Comparative Context (2013).
- “The economic crisis in the states” in The Dollars and Sense Economic Crisis Reader.
- “Columbia and the Great Empirical Tradition of American Economics” in W. T. DeBary, ed., Living Legacies: Columbia University after 250 Years (New York, Columbia University Press, 2006).
- “Has European Economic Integration Failed?” in Bernard Moss, ed., European Integration (London, MacMillan, 2004).
- “The Decline of the American Labor Movement: Explanations and Implications for United States Industrial Relations,” in Monique Borrel, ed., New Directions in Industrial Relations (Berkeley, University of California, 2003).
- “A Question of Degree: The Sanctity of Property in American Economic History” in James K. Boyce, ed., Natural Assets: Democratizing Environmental Ownership (New York, Island Press, 2003), ch. 2.
- “Dividing Labor: Urban Politics and Big-City Construction in Late-Nineteenth Century America” in Claudia Goldin and Hugh Rockoff (eds.), Strategic Factors in 19th Century American Economic History (Chicago, University of Chicago, 1992), 447-64.
- “The Decline of Paternalism and the Rise of Employers' Associations in France, 1880-1914,” in Sanford Jacoby, ed., Masters into Managers (Columbia University Press, 1991), 153-72.
- (Coauthor with Robert W. Fogel et al.), Without Consent or Contract II: Evidence and Methods (New York, Norton, 1991). Author of the following chapters:
- Sources of Data on Slave Occupations: Their Uses and Limitations.
- Occupational Determination in Slave Societies.
- (With R. W. Fogel et al.) Labor Force Participation and Life Cycles in Slave Occupations.
- The 'Decline' Theory of West Indian Emancipation.
- Fluctuations in the U.S. Production and Prices of Indigo, Rice, and Tobacco.
- The Rise of the New South and the Geographic Regions of Cotton, Rice, and Sugar.
- (With R. A. Grossman) Regional Markets for Slaves and the Interregional Slave Trade.
- (With R. W. Fogel et al.) The Debate over the Economic Viability of Slavery.
- Notes on Some Aspects of the Measurement of Inputs and Outputs in the Computation of Productivity Measures from the Parker-Gallman Sample.
- (With D. Yang) Some Economic Aspects of the Southern Interregional Migration, 1830- 1860.
- (With D. Yang), The Debate on the Elasticity of the Cotton Supply.
- “What would Sanders Do?” (January 2016)
- Alternatives to Austerity: Health Care and Massachusetts. Report to Massachusetts Society of Professors, August 2015.
- “Economic Analysis of the New York Health Act.” Report for Assemblyman Richard Gottfried (New York Assembly Majority Leader) (February 2015).
- “The Affordable Health Care for All Oregon: Impact and Implementation.” Report for Health Care for All Oregon (February 2015).
- “Single Payer Rhode Island: Impact and Implementation.” Report for Physicians for National Health Plan Rhode Island (January 2015).
- “Funding HR 676: The Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act: How we can afford a single-payer health plan” report for Physicians for a National Health Plan (August 2013).
- “Three Possibilities for Colorado’s Future Health Care Financing and Delivery” Report for Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care (February 2013)
- “The Pennsylvania Health Care Plan: Impact and Implementation,” Report for Pennsylvania Healthcare4All (February 2013)
- “Financing the Maryland Health Security Act”. Report for Maryland Physicians for a National Health Plan (February 2012).
- “Cost and funding of proposed Massachusetts Health Care Trust”. Report for MassCare (August 2011).
Short Articles:
- “Progressives, Don’t Just Bash the GOP Tax Bill, Make a Better One of Your Own,” (December 1, 2017), at
- “Single-Payer Critics Miss the Point – We’re Falling Behind” Huffington Post (October 18, 2017).
- “’Medicare for All’ could be cheaper than you think,” The Conversation (September 19, 2017).
- “Why Market Competition has not brought down health care costs,” The Conversation (June 29, 2017).
- “Cost of the U.S. Global War on Terrorism since 2001” Dollars and Sense (May-June 2017), 15.
- “Trump the Populist?” Scottish Left Review (May-June 2017).
- “Stagnation consumers: How millennials consume out of a smaller and less stable income” in Perspectives (February 2017).
- “What’s Left after Sanders, Clinton, and Trump,” Scottish Left Review (January-February 2017).
- “What Went Wrong,” Center for Popular Economics Newsletter (January 2017).
- “What did Sanders Do?” Critica Marxista (Italy, in translation, November 2016).
- “Nativism: As American as (rotten) Apple Pie,” Dollars and Sense (November-December 2016).
- “Workers Without Employers” International Labor Brief (Korea, in translation, January 2017)
- “Another Bad Jobs Day,” Dollars and Sense (Sept-Oct. 2016), 27-28.
- “Pox on Both Your Houses: Neither Presidential Candidate Cares for Workers,” New York Observer (Sept 1, 2016) at
- “What Sanders Did,” Scottish Left Review 95 (September 2016), 24-25.
- “Mind the Gap: Permitting people 50-64 to buy into Medicare would bolster the economy,” New York Observer 30:24 (June 20, 2016), 31.
- “What Ever Happened To Jobs? : A Progressive Response To The Latest Jobs Report” (June 8, 2016) at
- “Why Liberal Economists Dish Out Despair” (April 20, 2016) at
- “Different Models, Different Politics: Gerald Friedman Responds to the Romers” at
- “What Would Sanders Do II” Dollars and Sense (January/February 2016).
- “What Would Sanders Do I” Dollars and Sense (November/December 2015).
- “The Burdens of American Federalism: Income Redistribution Through Taxation,” Dollars and Sense (September/October 2015),
- “An Open Letter to the Wall Street Journal on Its Bernie Sanders Hit Piece” Huffington Post (Sept 15, 2015)
- “The Slow Burn: The Washington Consensus and Long-Term Austerity in Latin America,” Dollars and Sense (July/August 2015).
- “Food Insecurity in Affluent America,” Dollars and Sense (March/April 2015).
- “The Costs of Austerity,” Dollars and Sense (January/February 2015).
- “Regulated vs. Neoliberal Capitalism,” Dollars and Sense (November/December 2014).
- “What Happened to Wages?” Dollars and Sense (September/October 2014)
- “What Happened to the Recovery? Part II” Dollars and Sense (July/August 2014)
- “What Happened to the Recovery? Part I” Dollars and Sense (May/June 2014), 28-29.
- “Dog Walking and College Teaching: the Rise of the Gig Economy” Dollars and Sense (March/April 2014), 28-29.
- “The Affordable Care Act and the U.S. Health Care Mess,” Dollars and Sense (Jan./Feb 2014).
- “The Gender Wage Gap, Part 2,” Dollars and Sense (Nov/Dec 2013).
- “The Gender Wage Gap, Part 1,” Dollars and Sense (Sept/Oct 2013).
- “How bad is the US health care system? US health care efficiency in international context” Center for Popular Economics (August 2013)
- “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010: the Good, the Bad, and the just-plain Ugly,” Center for Popular Economics (August 2013)
- “Collapsing Investment and the Great Recession,” Dollars and Sense (July/August 2013).
- “Austerity comes to America,” Center for Popular Economics May 20, 2013 at (Reprinted at Truth-out.Org, and elsewhere.)
- “Measuring Well Being: GDP and its Alternatives,” Dollars and Sense (May/June 2013).
- “The Unhappy Marriage of Economics and Health Care,” Newsletter of the All Unions Committee for Single Payer Health Care (May 2013)
- “Federal Spending is Not ‘Out of Control’” Dollars and Sense (March/April 2013)
- “The Great Tax Cut Experiment” Dollars and Sense (January/February 2013)
- “How and why of U.S. union decline: by the Numbers” Dollars and Sense (Fall 2012)
- Entries for “The Wisconsin School,” “Institutional and Historical Economics,” “Laisser Faire and Conservative Economics,” “Paul Samuelson,” and “Marxian Economics” in Oxford Companion to United States History: Labor and Economic History, ed. Melvyn Dubofsky, Gerald Friedman, and Joseph McCartin. Oxford, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
- “Greece: the Eurozone Crisis by the Numbers” Dollars and Sense (Summer 2012).
- “The Great Capitalist Heist: How Paris Hilton's Dogs Ended Up Better Off Than You” (July 9, 2012) at _up_better_off_than_you_/
- “Happy 100th Birthday to the Minimum Wage! And many happy returns” at
- “Funding a single-payer national health system,” Dollars and Sense (March 30, 2012). Also available at,,, and other sites.
- “Health Care for People, or for Profit?” Center for Popular Economics, Occupy Economics (January 2012).
- “Public Sector Workers Under Attack” Dollars and Sense December 7, 2011.
- “Universal Health Care: Can We Afford Anything Less?” Dollars and Sense June 29, 2011. Also available on the following websites:,,
- “Labor unions and economic history” in Routledge Handbook of Modern Economic History ed. By Robert Whaples (forthcoming).
- “Financing Health Care for All” Report to MassCare, June 2011.
- “An Alternative to Austerity: An Act to Invest in our Communities” Yankee Radical (June 2011)
- “Are Americans overtaxed? Or are we taxing the wrong Americans?” for Center for Popular Economics, Newsletter (April, 2011)
- “Bernanke’s Bad Teachers,” Dollars and Sense (July-August 2009).
“Pushing on Strings,” Dollars and Sense (May-June, 2009). - “Did New Deal Spending Lengthen the Great Depression?” Dollars and Sense (May-June, 2009).
- “From Tulips to Mortgage-Backed Securities” Dollars and Sense (Jan-Feb, 2009).
- “Why the Euro is wrong for Europe, and America” in Center for Popular Economics (August, 2007).
- “Five things about Immigration that you wanted to know but were afraid to ask” for Center for Popular Economics, Newsletter (September, 2006).
- “May Day: The Workers’ Day” in Center for Popular Economics (May 1, 2006).
- “Business Cycle,” “Children and Poverty,” “Entitlements,” “Feminization of Poverty,” and “Maldistribution of Wealth” in Rob Weir, ed., Class in America (Greenwood Press, 2007).
- “Labor” in Christine Rider, ed., Encyclopedia of the Age of the Industrial Revolution (Greenwood Press, 2007).
- "Theories of Strikes” in Aaron Brenner and Manny Ness, eds., Encyclopedia of Strikes (M. E. Sharpe, 2008).
- “Social Security,” for Center for Popular Economics, Newsletter (May, 2005).
- “Social Security: A Bogus Solution,” for Center for Popular Economics (February 28, 2005).
- “Social Security: A Mythical Crisis,” for Center for Popular Economics (February 14, 2005).
- “Social Security,” for Center for Popular Economics (January 30, 2005).
- “The Election and the Left,” for Center for Popular Economics, Newsletter (November 4, 2004).
- “In the History of Thought: Richard Ely and Aristotelean Economics” for Center for Popular Economics, Newsletter (March 10, 2004).
- “Do Deficits Matter?” for Center for Popular Economics (February 4, 2004).
- “The End of Leisure?” for Center for Popular Economics (September 3, 2003).
- “The Rise of Building Trades Unions” in Richard Schneirov et al., eds., Encyclopedia of the Midwest (Columbus, Ohio State University, Indiana University Press, 2004)
- “Labor Politics” in Richard Schneirov et al., eds., Encyclopedia of the Midwest (Columbus, Ohio State University, Indiana University Press, 2004).
- “The Fiscal Crisis of the States” for Center for Popular Economics (May 28, 2003).
- “Why Don’t Corporations Pay Taxes Anymore?” for Center for Popular Economics (May 7, 2003).
- Overspending or Undertaxing? Understanding the Massachusetts State Fiscal Crisis” for Boston Globe (March 20, 2003), Op-Ed page.
- “Overspending or Undertaxing? Understanding the Massachusetts State Fiscal Crisis” for Center for Popular Economics (February 26, 2003).
- “Labor” in Joel Mokyr, ed., Encyclopedia of Economic History (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003).
- “Labor Unions and Strikes” in Joel Mokyr, ed., Encyclopedia of Economic History (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003).
- “The Arts, the Crafts, and a Future for Unskilled Americans?” for Center for Popular Economics (January 1, 2003).
- “Labor Unions in the United States” in Robert Whaples, ed., EH-Net Encyclopedia of Economic History (2002) (
- “Justice for Janitors and the Rebirth of the American Labor Movement” for Center for Popular Economics (October 23, 2002).
- Biographical entries on G. DeBreu, R. Frisch, L. Kantorovich, T. Koopmans, S. Kuznets, J. Meade, F. Modigliani, B. Ohlin, and R. Stone for Nobel Prize Winners (New York, H. W. Wilson, 1986).
- Comments on Labor and Population in the British West Indies in National Bureau of Economic Research, Studies in Income and Wealth, volume 51: Long-Term Factors in American Economic Growth (Chicago, 1986), pp. 629-39.
Unpublished Books and Papers:
- “American Political Economy after the Great Recession” (ms. April 2015).
- “The Decline of the Labor Movement and the Crisis of American Democracy” (ms. April 2015).
- Richard Ely and American Progressives Retreat from Democracy (ms. August 2013).
- “Union revival: top-down and bottom up strategies to revitalize the Labor Movement” (June 2012)
- “Richard Ely: America’s Durkhem manqué?” (October 2011)
- “The Euro and the European Crisis” (October 2011)
- “Greece: Hubris and Tragedy” (June 2010)
- “The Wage Effect of Early Unions: Union Organization and Union Wage Effects in the United States and France, 1885-1914” (November 2004).
- “Reconstructing White Rule: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Economics of Southern Reconstruction” (May 2003).
- “Community, Reform, and Ambition: Richard Ely and the Making of Modern Economics” (February 2003).
- “The Vanguard of the New: Richard Ely, John Bates Clark, and the Making of Modern Economics, 1878-1914” (October 1999).
Book Reviews:
- Review of Chad Pearson, Reform or Repression: Organizing America’s Anti-Union Movement in Eh-Net (June 9, 2016).
- Review of John Komlos, What Every Economics Student Needs to Know and Doesn't Get in the Usual Principles Text. In Review of Radical Political Economy (forthcoming).
- Review of Sven Beckert, Empire of Cotton: A Global History. In Labor History (forthcoming).
- Review of Jeffrey Helgeson, Crucibles of Black Empowerment: Chicago’s Neighborhood Politics from the New Deal to Harold Washington in Labor History (forthcoming).
- Review of Joseph R. Blasi, Richard B. Freeman, Douglas L. Kruse, The Citizen’s Share: Putting Ownership Back into Democracy in Journal of American History (forthcoming).
- Review of Philip Nord, France’s New Deal in Economy and Society (available at ey=NIqvYq8w6NTkMRU)
- Review of Robert H. Zieger, editor, Life and Labor in the New New South at
- Review of Gregor Gall, ed., The Future of Union Organising: Building for Tomorrow. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009; Gregor Gall, ed., Union Revitalization in Advanced Economies: Assessing the Contribution of Union Organising. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009; Kim Moody, US Labor in Trouble and Transition: The Failure of Reform from Above, The Promise of Revival From Below. London and New York, Verso: 2007 in Review of Radical Political Economy June 2013 45: 225-229.
- Review of Rosanne Currarino, The Labor Question in America: Economic Democracy in the Gilded Age in Labor History
- Review of Patricia Van den Eeckhout, ed., Supervision and Authority in Industry: Western European Experiences, 1830-1939 in Labor History (forthcoming).
- Review of Paul Michael Taillon, Good, Reliable, White Men: Railroad Brotherhoods, 1877-1917 in EH.Net (May 10, 2010). At
- Review of Daniel Sidorick, Condensed Capitalism: Campbell Soup and the Pursuit of Cheap Production in the Twentieth Century in EH.Net (November 12, 2009).
- Review of Robin Archer, Why Is There No Labor Party in the United States? In American Studies Journal (October 2009).
- Review of Lawrence Richards, Union-Free America: Workers and Antiunion Culture in EH.NET (November 19, 2008).
- Review of Carola M. Frege, Employment Research and State Traditions: A Comparative History of Britain, Germany, and the United States in Industrial and Labor Relations Review (forthcoming).
- Review of Pedro N. Teixeira, Jacob Mincer: A Founding Father of Modern Labor Economics in Labor History (forthcoming).
- Review of Andrew Kersten, Labor’s Home Front: The American Federation of Labor during World War II, in Journal of Economic History 67:3 (September 2007), 819-821.
- Review of Peter Francia, The Future of Organized Labor in American Politics in Labor History (forthcoming).
- Review of Nicholas Onuf and Peter Onuf, Nations, Markets, and War: Modern History and the American Civil War, in Enterprise and Society 8:2 (June 2007), 455-57.
- Review of Sanford M. Jacoby, The Embedded Corporation: Corporate Governance and Employment Relations in Japan and the United States in Labor History (forthcoming)
- Review of Richard Greenwald, The Triangle Fire, the Protocols of Peace, and Industrial Democracy in Progressive Era New York in Labor History (forthcoming).
- Review of Josiah Bartlett Lambert, “If the Workers Took a Notion:” The Right to Strike and American Political Development in Labor History (Volume 47, Issue 4, November 2006), pp. 599-601.
- Review of Larry G. Gerber, The Irony of State Intervention: American Industrial Relations Policy in Comparative Perspective, 1914-1939 in E-H Net (February 21, 2006).
- Review of Chris Howell, Trade unions and the State: The Construction of Industrial Relations Institutions in Britain, 1890-2000 for Industrial and Labor Relations
- Review (Volume 59, Issue 4, July 2006), pp. 676-77.
- Review of Ernest R. Gantman, Capitalism, Social Privilege and Managerial Ideologies in Enterprise and Society (Volume 6, Number 4, December 2005), pp. 769-71.
- Review of Timothy J. Minchin, Fighting Against the Odds: A History of Southern Labor Since World War II in E-H.Net (19 August 2005).
- Review of Kathleen Thelen, How Institutions Evolve: The Political Economy of Skills in Germany, Britain, the United States, and Japan in Industrial and Labor Relations Review (Fall 2005), 170-72.
- Review of Pierre Siklos, The Changing Face of Central Banking: Evolutionary Trends Since World War II in Labor History (Volume 47, Issue 2, May 2006), pp. 277-79.
- Review of Christopher Gunn, Third-Sector Development: Making up for the Market in Labor History (Volume 48, Issue 1, February 2007), pp. 135-37.
- Review of Robert E. Weir and James P. Hanlan, editors, Historical Encyclopedia of American Labor for EH-Net (December 3, 2004).
- Review of Francine D Blau and Lawrence M. Kahn, At Home and Abroad: U.S. Labor Market Performance in International Perspective in Labor History (Volume 46, Issue 4, November 2005), pp. 545-548.
- Review of Lex Heerma van Voss and Marcel van der Linden, eds., Class and Other Identities: Gender, Religion and Ethnicity in the Writing of European Labor History in Labor History (Volume 46, Issue 3, August 2005), pp. 395-97.
- Review of Leo Troy, The Twilight of the Old Unionism for Labor History (Volume 46, Issue 2, May 2005), pp. 260-262.
- Review of Sanford Jacoby, Employing Bureaucracy: Managers, Enions, and the Transformation of Work in American Industry, 1900-1945 for Labor History (Volume 45, Issue 4, January 2004). pp. 537-39.
- Review of Chris Wrigley, British Trade Unions Since 1933, for EH-Net (March 4, 2004).
- Review of Jefferson Cowie and Joseph Heathcott (eds), Beyond the Ruins: The Meanings of Deindustrialization for Labor History (Volume 45, Issue 3, January, 2004), pp. 403-05.
- Review of Robert Zieger and Gilbert Gall, American Workers, American Unions in The Journal of Economic History (Volume 64, Issue 01, March 2004), pp. 275-76.
- Review of Elizabeth Faue, Writing the Wrongs: Eva Valesh and the Rise of Labor Journalism for E. H. Net (October 2, 2003).
- Review of Marco Buti, Daniele Franco, Lucio R. Pench 2001 (eds.), The Welfare State in Europe: Challenges and Reforms in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (Volume 28, Issue 2, June 2004), pp. 493-94.
- Review of Janet Irons, Testing the New Deal: The General Textile Strike of 1934 in the American South for E.H. Net (April 30, 2002).
- Review of Vernon M. Briggs Jr. Immigration and American Unionism for International Migration
- Review (Volume 36, Issue 3, Fall 2002), p. 943-44.
- Review of Christopher K. Ansell, Schism and Solidarity in Social Movements: The Politics of Labor in the French Third Republic for Social Movement Studies (Volume 2, Number 2, October 2003), pp. 236-37.
- Review of Mark Lause, The Civil War's Last Campaign: James B. Weaver, the Greenback-Labor Party & the Politics of Race and Section in The Journal of American History (Volume 89, Number 2, September 2002), p. 646.
- Review of Eric Arnesen, Brotherhoods of Color: Black Railroad Workers and the Struggle for Equality and Beth Tompkins Bates, Pullman Porters and the Rise of Protest Politics in Black America, 1925-1945 in The Journal of Economic History (Volume 61, Number 3, September 2001), pp. 849-51.
- Review of Melvyn Dubofsky, Hard Work: The Making of Labor History in The Journal of Economic History (Volume 61, Number 1, March 2001), pp. 227-29.
- Review of Tapio Palokangas, Labour Unions, Public Policy and Economic Growth in The Journal of Economic History (Volume 61, Number 1, March 2001), pp. 249-50.
- Review of Howell John Harris, Bloodless Victories: The Rise and Fall of the Open Shop in the Philadelphia Metal Trades, 1890-1940 in The Journal of Interdisciplinary History (Volume 32, Number 2, Autumn 2001), pp. 335-36.
- Review of Michael Honey, Black Workers Remember: An Oral History of Segregation, Unionism, and the Freedom Struggle in The Journal of Economic History (Volume 60, Number 3, September 2000), pp. 903-04.
- Review of Harry Holzer, What Employers Want: Job Prospects for Less-Educated Workers and John Wooding and Charles Levenstein The Point of Production: Work Environment in Advanced Industrial Societies in Labor History (forthcoming).
- Review of Elizabeth Sanders, Roots of Reform: Farmers, Workers, and the American State, 1877-1917 for EH-Net (March 8, 2000).
- Review of Jefferson Cowie, Capital Moves: RCA’s 70-Year Quest for Cheap Labor in The Journal of Economic Literature (Volume 38, Number 3, September 2000) pp. 686-87.
- Review of Michael K. Brown, Race, Money, and the American Welfare State in The Journal of Economic History (Volume 60, Number 1, March 2000), pp. 304-06.
- Review of Kevin Boyle, ed., Organized Labor and American Politics, 1894-1994: The LaborLiberal Alliance; Julie Greene, Pure and Simple Politics: The American Federation of Labor and Political Activism, 1881-1917; August Sartorius von Waltershausen: The Workers’ Movement in the United States, 1879-1885 ed. by David Montgomery and Marcel van de Linden, tr. by Harry Dost in collaboration with Jan Gielkens and Gregory Zieren in Journal of American History (Volume 87, Number 1, June 2000), pp. 238-40.
- Review of Yuval P. Yonay, The Struggle Over the Soul of Economics: Institutional and Neoclassical Economists in America between the Wars in Industrial and Labor Relations Review (January 2000).
- Review of Gilbert J. Gall, Pursuing Justice: Lee Pressman, the New Deal, and the CIO in The Journal of Economic History (September 1999).
- Review of Bruce Western, Between Class and Market: Postwar Unionization in the Capitalist Democracies, International Labor and Working-Class History (Winter 1999).
- Review of Richard Schneirov, Labor and Urban Politics: Class Conflict and the Origins of Modern Liberalism in Chicago, 1864-97 in Industrial and Labor Relations Review (January 1999).
- Review of Daniel Jacoby, Laboring for Freedom: A New Look at the History of Labor in America for EH-Net (November 9, 1998).
- Review of Daniel Ernst, Lawyers Against Labor: From Individual Rights to Corporate Liberalism and Sidney Fine, "Without Blare of Trumpets" Walter Drew, the National Erectors' Association, and the Open Shop Movement, 1903-57 in Journal of Public History (Winter 1997).
- Review of Robert Zieger, The CIO, 1930-1955 in Journal of Economic History (June 1996).
- Review of Robert E. Weir, Beyond Labor's Veil: The Culture of the Knights of Labor on Economic History Net (November 3, 1996).
- Review of Sam Cohn, When Strikes Make Sense -- And Why in Contemporary Sociology (Spring 1996).
- Review of Chris Howell, Regulating Labor: The State and Industrial Relations Reform in Postwar France in Industrial and Labor Relations Review (May 1996).
- Review of Victoria C. Hattam, Labor Visions and State Power: The Origins of Business Unionism in the United States in Industrial and Labor Relations Review (September 1995).
- Review of Robert Kuenne, Economic Justice in American Society in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (Winter 1995).
- Review of Shelton Stromquist, Solidarity and Survival: An Oral History of Iowa Labor in the Twentieth Century in Journal of Economic History (September 1995).
- Review of Robert E. Gallman and John Joseph Wallis, eds., American Economic Growth And Standards of Living Before the Civil War in Journal of Economic Literature (October, 1994).
- Review of Darryl Holter, The Battle for Coal: Miners and the Politics of Nationalization in France, 1940-1950 in International Labor and Working Class History (Fall 1994).
- Review of Roger Magraw, A History of the French Working Class. Vol. I: The Age of Artisan Revolution, Vol. II: Workers and the Bourgeois Republic in Journal of Economic History (Volume 53, Number 4, December 1993), pp. 936-37.
- Review of Ruth McKenney, Industrial Valley in Labor History (forthcoming).
- Review of Lizabeth Cohen, Making a New Deal: Industrial Workers in Chicago, 1919-1939 in Journal of Economic History (Volume 53, Number 2, June 1993), pp. 446-48.
- Review of Lenard Berlanstein, Big Business and Industrial Conflict in Nineteenth-Century France: A Social History of the Parisian Gas Company in Social History 18:2 (1993) pp. 285-86.
- Review of Eric Arnesen, Waterfront Workers of New Orleans: Race, Class and Politics, 1863- 1923 in The Journal of Economic History (Volume 52, Number 3, September 1992), pp. 729-30.
- Review of John Horne, Labour At War: France and the United Kingdom, 1914-1918 in Labor History (forthcoming).
- Review of Judith Wishnia, The Proletarianizing of the Fonctionnaires: Civil Service Workers and the Labor Movement Under the Third Republic in The Journal of Economic History (Volume 52, Number 1, March 1992), pp. 230-31.
- Review of Gérard Noiriel, Workers in French Society in the 19th and 20th Centuries in Business History Review (Spring 1991), pp. 219-221.
- Review of Gary Cross, A Quest for Time: The Reduction of Work in Britain and France, 1840- 1940 in Industrial and Labor Relations Review (October 1991), p. 213.
- Review of Michael P. Hanagan, Nascent Proletarians: Class Formation in Post-Revolutionary France in The Journal of Economic History (September 1991), pp. 714-15.
- Review of William Thorpe, "The Workers Themselves": Revolutionary Syndicalism and International Labour, 1913-1923 in The Journal of Economic History (June 1991), pp. 528-29.
- Review of William J. Baumol, Sue Anne Batey Blackman, and Edward N. Wolff, Productivity and American Leadership: The Long View in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (December 1990), pp. 197-98.
- Review of Leopold Haimson and Charles Tilly, eds., Strikes Wars, and Revolutions in an International Perspective: Strike Waves in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries in The Journal of Economic History (June 1990), pp. 466-67.
- Review of J. Carroll Moody and Alice Kessler-Harris, eds., Perspectives on American Labor History: The Problem of Synthesis in The Journal of Economic History (September 1990), pp. 761-62.
- Review of Benjamin Kline Hunnicutt, Work Without End: Abandoning Shorter Hours for the Right to Work in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (September 1989), pp. 213-15.
- Review of Steve Golin, The Fragile Bridge: The Paterson Silk Strike, 1913 in The Journal of Economic History (March 1989), pp. 240-41.
- Review of A. T. Lane, Solidarity or Survival? American Labor and European Immigrants, 1830-1924 in The Journal of Economic History (March 1988), pp. 214-15.
- Review of Christopher L. Tomlins, The State and the Unions: Labor Relations, Law, and the Organized Labor Movement in America, 1880-1960 in The Journal of Economic History (September 1986), 873-74.
- Review of Daniel J. Leab, ed., The Labor History Reader in The Journal of Economic History (December 1985), pp. 1013-14.
- Review of David Galenson, White Servitude in Colonial America: An Economic Analysis in Business History (November 1984), pp. 361-63.
Editorial and other Professional Contributions:
- Referee for Revista de Historia Economica, The Journal of Economic History, Labor History, Industrial Relations, The American Journal of Sociology, The American Sociological Review, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, The Journal of American History, Michigan Historical Review, Oxford University Press, Political Theory, University of Illinois Press, and The Quarterly Journal of Economics.
- Economic commentator on Al-Jazeera-English, WGBY-PBS, WLAB-NBC, BBC-World New WAMC, WBAI. Quoted in Boston Globe, New York Times, Springfield Republican, Toronto Star (Canada).
- External reviewer of the Economics Department, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth (2009); American University of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) (2010-11).
- United States Editor, Labor History (October 2003 - present). Book Review editor (October 2015 - ).
- Outside dissertation reviewer for History Department, University of Haifa (July 2000).
- Member of the Editorial Board, The Journal of Economic History (September 1994 - 1998).
- Member of the Editorial Board, The American Journal of Sociology (September 1995 - 1997).
- Book referee for Routledge, the University of Chicago Press, the University of Wisconsin Press, Houghton Mifflin, World Scientific Publishers.
- Peer review evaluator for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
- Peer reviewer for Faculty Research Grants, University of Massachusetts.
- Member of Jewish Community of Amherst Committee on Economic Sustainability, January 2003- January 2007.
- Treasurer, the Jewish Community of Amherst, September 1999-January 2001.
- Member of Jewish Community of Amherst, Finance Committee, January 2001- May 2002.
Conference Participation:
- Discussant on panel on “State Policy and Labor Relations,” Business History Conference, Philadelphia, March 2012.
- Testimony to Masschusetts Legislative Joint Committee on Health Care, December 2011.
- Presented “Tax Policy and American Federalism” to CERVEPAS/CREW conference “Capitalisme anglo-saxon et monde(s) anglophone(s): des paradigms en question” 14 October 2011.
- Presented “The Euro and the European Crisis” to Paris III 12 October 2011.
- Presented “Richard Ely: America’s Durkheim manqué” to Paris VII 13 October 2011.
- Testimony to Massachusetts Legislative Committee on Revenue, May 2011.
- Keynote speaker MassCare annual convention, April 2011 Testimony to Massachusetts Legislative Joint Committee on Health Care, January 2011.
- Testimony to Vermont Assembly Committee on Ways and Means and Senate Committee on Finance, March 2010.
- Presented “Union Decline in Historical Perspective: The United States, 1880-2009” at ASSA meetings, Atlanta, December 2009.
- Presented “Teaching Alternative Economics” to Left Forum, New York City, April 2009.
- Presented “Does Labor Have a Future?” to Left Forum, New York City, April 2009.
- Commented on “Strike Waves in Industrial America,” at Economic History Association, Austin, Texas, September 2007.
- Presented Fiscal Federalism and the Politics of Reaction,” to Center for Popular Economics, Summer Institute, Amherst College, August 1, 2005
- Presented Community, Reform, and Ambition: Richard Ely and the Making of Modern Economics to Social Science History Association meetings, Chicago, November 2004.
- Presented The Wage Effect of Early Unions: Union Organization and Union Wage Effects in the United States and France, 1885-1914 to Social Science History Association meetings, Chicago, November 2004.
- Presented Strikes and Wars, Revolutions and Unions: Union Growth Spurts in Historical Time, North American Labor History Conference, October 2004.
- Commented on Beverly Silver, Forces of Labor, North American Labor History Conference, October 2003. Presented The Fiscal Crisis of the States to Center for Popular Economics, Smith College, August 4, 2003.
- Presented Has the Forward March of Labor Halted? Union Growth and Decline in Comparative and Historical Perspective to 42nd Annual Cliometrics Conference, Releigh, North Carolina, May 2003.
- Reconstructing White Rule: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Economics of Southern Reconstruction, presentation to the W. E. B. Du Bois Centennial conference, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, May 1, 2003.
- Presented Has the Forward March of Labor Halted? Union Growth and Decline in Comparative and Historical Perspective to 29th Annual Conference of Southwest Labor History Association Berkeley, California, April 2003.
- Presented Has European Economic Integration Failed? to Conference on European Integration, Center for European Studies, University of Nottingham, England, June 2002.
- Discussant on panel on West Indian slavery, conference in honor of Stanley Engerman, Rochester University, June 9-11, 2001.
- Presented Success and Failure in Third Party Politics: The Knights of Labor and the Union Labor Coalition in Massachusetts, 1884-88 to Economics Department, Wesleyan University (March 2000).
- Presented Success and Failure in Third Party Politics: The Knights of Labor and the Union Labor Coalition in Massachusetts, 1884-88 to Indiana State University, Eugene V. Debs and the Politics of Dissent in Modern America (November 2000).
- Discussant on panel on Economic Development and Economic History, annual meetings of Economic History Association, Los Angeles, September 11-13, 2000.
- Presented The Sanctity of Property in American Economic History to Ford Foundation, Natural Assets Project Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, January 24-26, 2000.
- Presented The Vanguard of the New: Richard Ely, John Bates Clark, and the Making of Modern Economics, 1878-1914 to North American Labor History Conference, October 1999.
- Presented Has European Economic Integration Failed? to European Community Studies Association biennial meetings, Pittsburgh, June 1999.
- Chaired panel on International Comparisons of Labor Militancy, American Historical Association annual meetings, Washington D.C., January 1999.
- Presented Is French Union Growth Exceptional or Merely Different?, Society for French Historical Studies annual meetings, Ottawa, March 1998.
- Presented The Origins of the Social Sciences in the Breakup of the Republican Consensus: Emile Durkheim and John Bates Clark, Five College Social History Seminar, Amherst, Mass., April 1995.
- Presented Job Training and Active Labor Market Policy in the United States, to Institute for Training and Development, Training for leaders of Post-Soviet governments. Amherst, Mass., March 1995.
- Commentator on Michael Huberman, "Strikes in Early Twentieth Century Canada" at American Economic Association, Annual Meetings, Boston, Mass., December 1993.
- Participant in National Bureau of Economic Research, Program on the Development of the American Economy, Summer Institute, Cambridge, Mass., July 1993.
- Commentator on Jean Heffer et al., "Wage Disparities in Mid- and Late- Nineteenth Century France" at National Bureau of Economic Research, Program on the Development of the American Economy, Summer Institute, Cambridge, Mass., July 1993.
- Presented "The Effect of the Common Market on European Economic Growth" at DAD, "Program on the German Economy," Mount Holyoke College, December 1992.
- Presented "Economic Changes in Recent America," at United Church of Christ, "Social Justice Conference, 1991," Amherst, Mass., May, 1991.
- Organized panel on "Comparative Perspectives on Welfare Capitalism, 1900-1950" for the American History Association meeting, Chicago 1991.
- Presented "Voluntarism and the Failure of State-Sponsored Strike Arbitration in the United States, 1886-1914." Organization of American Historians annual meeting, Louisville, Ky., April 1991.
- Presented Dividing Labor: Urban Politics and Big-City Construction in Late-Nineteenth Century America. National Bureau of Economic Research conference on Strategic Factors in Nineteenth Century American Economic History Cambridge, Mass., March 1991.
- Participant in National Bureau of Economic Research, "Micro-Economic History and Business History." Cambridge, Mass., November 1990.
- Junior Fellow in the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Massachusetts at Amherst and presented 12 week seminar on "Republican Unions and Capitalist States: the Origins of the Labor Movements in the United States and France, 1880-1914," Amherst, Mass., January-May 1990.
- Presented "Why Was There No Socialism in the United States." University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Economics, Los Angeles, California, February 1990.
- Presented "Strike Waves and Union Growth, the United States and France 1880-1914." University of Chicago, Department of Sociology, Chicago, Ill., January 1990.
- Presented "Why Was There No Socialism in the United States." Five College Social History Seminar, Northampton, Mass., November 1989.
- Presented "The Middle Class and the Retreat from Labor Reforms in France and the United States, 1870-1914." Social Science History Association annual meeting, Washington D.C., November 1989.
- Organized panel on "Class, Race and the Politics of the Welfare State." Social Science History Association annual meeting, Washington D.C., November 1989.
- Organized panel "Labor and the French Republic After Two Centuries." Social Science History Association annual meeting, Washington D.C., November 1989.
- Participant in National Bureau of Economic Research, Program on the Development of the American Economy, Summer Institute, Cambridge, Mass., July 1989.
- Member of National Bureau of Economic Research, Program on the Development of the American Economy, Working Group on Industrial History, Cambridge, Mass., March 1989- present.
- Participant in Conference on Massachusetts Labor History, Westfield State College, Westfield, Mass., March 1989.
- Presented "Construction Unions and Wage Differentials in American Cities, 1890-1903." Harvard University, Department of Economics, March 1989.
- Presented "Construction Unions and Wage Differentials in American Cities, 1890-1903." American Economic Association annual meeting, New York, December 1988.
- Presented "What Did Socialists Do? The SFIO as a Pressure Group, France 1893-1914." Social Science History Association annual meeting, Chicago, Ill., November 1988.
- Organized panel "Searching for Social Peace: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Pre-World War I State Labor Policy in Europe and America." Social Science History Association annual meeting, Chicago, Ill., November 1988.
- Presented "Facing the Strike Threat: Employer and Government Responses to pre-World War I Labor Militancy." Ninth Annual Lowell Conference on Industrial History, Lowell, Mass., October 1988.
- Presented "Skilled Workers, Unions, and American Wage Differentials in Comparative Perspective." University of Pennsylvania, Department of Economics, February 1988.
- Presented "Unions and Strikes: The United States and France Before World War I." Social Science History Association annual meeting, New Orleans, November 1987.
- Discussant for panel on "Labor Market Structure in Historical Perspective." Social Science History Association annual meeting, New Orleans, November 1987.
- Presented "Is the State Autonomous? Labor Relations and the French State, 1871-1914." French Historical Society annual meeting, Minneapolis, Minn., March 1987.
- Organized panel on "The State and the Economy." French Historical Society annual meeting, Minneapolis, Minn., March 1987.
- Presented "The State and the Making of the Working Class: France and the United States, 1880- 1914." Social Science History Association annual meeting, St. Louis, October 1986.
- Organized panel "The Logic of Solidarity on Two Continents." Social Science History Association annual meeting, St. Louis, October 1986.
- Discussant for panel on "The Market for Agricultural Labor." Social Science History Association annual meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, October 1986.
- Discussant for panel on "International Trends in Health and Nutrition." Social Science History Association annual meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, October 1986.
- Presented "Low Dues and Communist Soup: Union Ideology and Strike Success in the United States and France, 1880-1914." Cliometrics Conference, Miami University, Ohio, May 1986.
- Presented "Low Dues and Communist Soup: Union Ideology and Strike Success in the United States and France, 1880-1914." Harvard University, February 1986.
- Presented "Why Economists' Models Can't Explain Early Union Growth." Social Science History Association annual meeting, Chicago, October 1985.
- Presented Unionization in Different States: The United States and France, 1880-1911, Yale University, February 1985.
- Discussant on Barry Higman, "Labor and Population in the British West Indies." National Bureau of Economic Research, "Conference on Income and Wealth," Williamsburg, Virginia, April 1984.
- Presented Labor Union Growth and Political Upheaval: The United States and France, 1880- 1914. Social Science History Association annual meeting, Washington, D.C., October 1983.
- Discussant on David Galenson, "Income, Indenture, and Migration." Liberty League, "Conference on Microeconomics and Economic History," Port Angeles, Washington, July 1983.
- Participant in National Bureau of Economic Research, Program on the Development of the American Economy, planning group, Cambridge, Mass., October 1982.
- German Marshall Fund of the United States Fellowship, 1989-90.
- Certificate of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Harvard-Danforth Center for Teaching, Harvard University, 1981.
- Phi Beta Kappa and Magna Cum Laude from Columbia University.