Watch this space for summer 2024 updates!
Summer 2023
Whether you are planning to begin your Korean language study with us or are continuing on from a previous semester, we have multiple online courses available to choose from this summer:
- Korean 115: Beginning Korean 1, meets May 30–July 12
- Korean 125: Beginning Korean 2, meets July 17–August 25
These courses are the first and second parts of Beginning Korean, which is designed to teach the fundamental skills to read, write, listen, and speak in elementary level Korean. Contact us for information on continuing your Korean language study at UMass.
Please contact Professor Chanyoung Park with any questions:
Register now at UWW!
- UMass and Five College students: Please contact the course instructors for information on how to continue your language learning from summer to fall
- Parents and guardians: Please view relevant enrollment information here:
- UWW’s general registration process: