Yuki Yoshimura
Senior Lecturer
Japanese Language Program Director
Linguistics & Japanese Joint Major Advisor
Office Hours
- Spring '24 TBD
Yuki Yoshimura is the Director of the Japanese Language Program and the Co-Chair of the Language Teaching & Research Lab. She received her PhD in Second Language Acquisition from Carnegie Mellon University. Her research interests include sentence processing in second language acquisition, speech fluency, task-based language teaching, extensive reading in Japanese, and bilingualism. She teaches Japanese Language (1st year to graduate level), Japanese Linguistics, Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language, and Extensive Reading in Japanese. Some recent articles with B. MacWhinney include “The use of pronominal case in English sentence interpretation," “Honorifics as a socio-cultural verb agreement cue in Japanese," and “The effect of oral repetition in L2 Speech Fluency: System for an experimental tool and a language tutor."
To learn more about Prof. Yoshimura's work, please visit her webpage.
Research Areas
- First and Second Language Acquisition
- Psycholinguistics
- Japanese Pedagogy
- Japanese Linguistics
Courses Recently Taught
Japanese 110: Non-Intensive Elementary Japanese I
Japanese 120: Non-Intensive Elementary Japanese II
Japanese 326: Intensive Intermediate Japanese I
Japanese 297G/497G: Extensive Reading in Japanese
Japanese 375/593B: Introduction to Japanese Linguistics
Japanese 497B: Contemporary Japanese I
Japanese 580: Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language
Japanese 597F/530: Business Japanese