Yi Feng
Senior Lecturer of Chinese

Office Hours
- Tue & Thu, 2:30 - 3:30
Yi Feng completed her Master’s degree in Chinese Teaching at East China Normal University. She has taught Chinese to college and graduate students at all levels since 2008. As lecturer in Chinese program, Yi Feng recently taught all Chinese language courses at 100 and 200 level. She is also responsible for providing the Chinese placement test to undergraduates. In addition, as a member of American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Yi Feng is an ACTFL OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) Tester of Chinese with full certification. Her research interest includes all levels of Chinese teaching, assessment of language proficiency, teacher training and heritage language learners’ motivation.
Research Areas
- Chinese Pedagogy
- Language Proficiency Assessment
- Teacher Training
- Heritage Learners' Learning Needs
Courses Recently Taught
- Chinese 110: Non-intensive Elementary Chinese I
- Chinese 120: Non-intensive Elementary Chinese II
- Chinese 126: Intensive Elementary Chinese I
- Chinese 127: Intensive Elementary Chinese I: Reading and Writing
- Chinese 246: Intensive Elementary Chinese II
- Chinese 247: Intensive Elementary Chinese II: Reading and Writing