

Alvin P. Cohen retired in 2007. He was the undergraduate advisor for majors in Chinese Language and Literature.  His teaching and research are in classical Chinese language, philology, religion and history of the North-South Dynasties Period, and contemporary popular religion.  His publications include Introduction to Research in Chinese Source Materials (2000).


Ph.D. U.C. Berkeley, 1971
M.A. U.C. Berkley, 1966
B.S. U.C. Berkley, 1960 


Cohen, Alvin P.  Grammar Notes for Introductory Classical Chinese. San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center, 1975. Second edition 1980.

Cohen, Alvin P., ed.  Selected Works of Peter A. Boodberg. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979.

Cohen, Alvin P., with Sarah Allan, editors.  Legend, Lore, and Religion in China: Essays in Honor of Wolfram Eberhard on His Seventieth Birthday. San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center, 1979.

Cohen, Alvin P.  Tales of Vengeful Souls: A Sixth Century Collection of Chinese Avenging Ghost Stories. Variétés Sinologiques -- New Series, No. 68. Paris: Institut Ricci, Centre d'Etudes Chinoises, 1982.

Cohen, Alvin P.  Introduction to Research in Chinese Source Materials. New Haven: Far Eastern Publications, Yale University, 2000; paperback 2003; CD-ROM, 2004.