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Raymond S. Bradley

Distinguished Professor, Director of the Climate System Research Center

climatology, paleoclimatology, Arctic studies

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Laurie Brown

Professor Emeritus

paleomagnetism, geophysics

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Christopher D. Condit


igneous petrology, planetary science, volcanology, geoscience outreach

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James A. Hafner

Professor Emeritus

political economy, political development, political resources, SE Asia

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Stephen E. Haggerty

Professor Emeritus

mineralogy, petrology, metalliferous economic geology

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Stearns A. Morse

Professor Emeritus

experimental and field petrology , Earth's core, Earth's mantle

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Rutherford H. Platt 

Professor Emeritus

land and water resource policy

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Stan Stevens

Retired, Senior Lecturer

Political Ecology, Cultural Ecology, Indigenous Peoples, Conservation, Protected Areas, ICCAs

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Richard W. Wilkie

Professor Emeritus

human geography: sense of place, visual thinking & photography, Latin American population & migration, Massachusetts historical evolution

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Donald U. Wise

Professor Emeritus

structural geology, planetary geology

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Richard Yuretich

Professor Emeritus

environmental geochemistry, clay minerals, lake environments