Respond to Hate: Take Action

In the aftermath of an act of hate, you may want to learn more about what you can do as a bystander in case of future incidents, or what you can do to restore community after the fact. Below are some resources to help you get started.

Be an Active Bystander.

If you experience or witness hateful actions, interrupt the behavior (if it is safe to do so). Review a few simple steps you can do in the moment. Practice the 3 Ds below and learn more here.

  1. DIRECT: Step in and interrupt a harmful situation by pointing out the problem and engaging participants in conversation about better alternatives.

  2. DISTRACT: If you aren’t comfortable calling out the problematic behavior, try interrupting a risky situation by distracting and redirecting the people involved.

  3. DELEGATE: If you can’t do it alone, involve others.

Want a printable resource that you can refer to often, download the UMatter at UMass resource "What Is An Active Bystander?".

Speak Up: Responding to Everyday Bigotry, a resource guide from the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Seek Out Campus Resources for Advocacy and Support

Seek Out National Resources for Information, Training, and Tools to Combat Hate.