Campus Data

These charts and figures represent a basic breakdown of the composition of our campus by race and ethnicity, age, and gender for faculty, staff, and students who choose to self-report their identities. Additional statistical information is available through the University Analytics and Institutional Research (UAIR). The links below each figure will take you to the specific statistical table from which the figures are created.

Undergraduate Students Graduate Students Faculty Staff
24,231 enrolled undergraduate students 7,814 enrolled graduate students (including CPE) 1,084 tenure-track faculty 4,483 staff
54% are women 52% are women 42% are women 53% are women
17% are from underrepresented groups* 18% are from underrepresented groups* 11% are from underrepresented groups* 13% are from underrepresented groups*
22% of the entering first-year class are first-generation college students 35% are doctoral students 55% of all instructional faculty are tenured, 74% of instructional tenure-system faculty 87% are union represented
7% are international 27% are international/non-domestic    

* African American, Chicano/Latino, and Native American/Alaska Native. Based on US citizens/permanent residents reporting race/ethnicity


University Analytics and Institutional Research, Fall Enrollment Fact Sheet, Fall 2021

Undergraduate Students

Click to go to the interactive dashboard.

undergraduates race and ethnicity

Graduate Students

Click to go to the interactive dashboard.

graduate students race and ethnicity


Click to go to the staff dashboard.

staff race and ethnicity


Click to go to the interactive dashboard.

faculty race and ethnicity

Campus Statistics

University Analytics and Institutional Research is responsible for reporting many of the official statistics pertaining to students, faculty and staff on the campus. Below are links to key statistics related to UMass's campus diversity.

The current Diversity Strategic Plan encourages the university to collect more information on additional forms of diversity. 

Student Data 

Admissions, enrollment and retention and graduation rate statistics by various demographic characteristics including race/ethnicity. Additionally:

  • UAIR hosts a Public Disclosure website which reports student consumer information.  As mandated by the amendments to the U.S. Higher Education Act, this site provide sources of reliable information for current and prospective students including diversity statistics.
  • Key statistics are also summarized in the annual "At a Glance" factsheet.

Faculty and Staff

Faculty Data (includes gender and minority status by college/school, by academic rank, and by average salary)

Staff Data (race/ethnicity and gender by job classification)

Key statistics are also summarized in the annual "At a Glance" factsheet.

Affirmative Action

UMass publishes an annual Affirmative Action Program which has been developed in compliance with federal regulations, but also serves to inform the campus community of our collective efforts and progress in matters related to affirmative action and equal opportunity.

Clery Act

UMass Police Department (UMPD) maintains records and data related to Clery Act, including campus security and crime statistics. Visit the UMPD website for the complete list of data.