Climate Improvement Grant Application Preview

The following is a preview of the questions you will be asked in the Qualtrix grant application in order to prepare your answers in advance. This should not be used in any way to submit an application. Once you are ready to submit your application, please go the online application to be released when applications open.

In order to successfully submit your application, you will be answering the following:

Info Sessions

Did you watch the Climate Grant information Video? (No/Yes)

Did you meet with Linda Ziegenbein or Emmanuel Adero outside of the Climate Grant office hours, to discuss your proposal and parameters for applying? (Not yet / Yes)

Which Climate Grant office hours did you attend?

  • I have not attended any
  • March 11, 2:00-3:00 pm
  • March 12, 2:00-3:00 pm 
  • March 13, 10:00-11:00 am
  • March 14, 11:00-noon
  • Emmanuel's Mon/Wednesday Office Hours

This Climate Grant Cycle is for projects that will take place during the 2024-2025  academic year, and will begin no earlier than July 1, 2024. Proposals for projects taking place Spring 2024 or before July 1 will not be considered. (Select box to acknowledge)

Your Information

  • Last name
  • First name
  • Campus email
  • Campus role (Undergraduate Student, Graduate Student, Staff, Faculty)
  • Department
  • Do you have any partners on this project? (Yes/No)
  • Provide the names, campus email, departments, and campus roles of partners

Project Information

  • What is the name of your project?
  • Provide a brief description of your project.
  • In thinking about the results from the most recent campus climate survey, what data point(s) most directly inspired your project, and how does your project address the challenges identified in the data?
  • How does your project address the Campus’ Strategic Goals around Diversity and Inclusion?
  • How does your project promote understanding, knowledge-building, and/or invest in relationship-building across difference in the campus community?
  • What campus climate impact do you expect your project to have?
  • How will you measure the impact your project has made on campus climate? How will you know that those outcomes were achieved for your participants?
  • How does your project contribute to sustained campus climate improvement? If you are proposing a one-time event, please make the case for the impact on climate improvement.
  • We are interested in approaches that create partnerships between groups/offices or across departments, and that promote community-building. How does your project achieve this?

Budget Information

  • What is the total budget amount requested?
  • You will be asked to upload a budget form.
  • Please explain how the funds will be used.
  • Please provide any additional information that could be useful in the selection process.

If you are an Undergraduate with no Staff or Faculty co-applicants, please upload a letter of recommendation from a faculty member or appropriate representative from a University Office or Center.

Funded projects require a mid-year status report, to notify the office of progress of the project, successes or challenges, and milestones to date.