Student Rights and Responsibilities

View of the Fine Arts Center from the library

Every qualified student with a disability has the following rights:

  • Equal access to educational and co-curricular programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities available through the university.
  • Reasonable and effective accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids as determined on a case-by-case basis.
  • Appropriate confidentiality regarding information pertaining to disability, including choice of disability disclosure except as required by law.
  • Information reasonably available in accessible formats (i.e., meets request deadlines to ensure availability).
  • To be treated with respect and dignity by all Disability Services staff.

Every student with a disability has the responsibility to:

  • Meet the University's qualifications, including essential technical, academic, and institutional standards.
  • Identify as an individual with a disability and request accommodations in a timely manner.
  • Provide documentation from an appropriate professional source verifying the nature of the disability, functional limitations, and the rationale for specific accommodations being recommended.
  • Initiate and maintain communication with Disability Services staff, especially with an Access Coordinator.
  • To treat Disability Services staff respectfully.