August 27,2024
All Fall 2024 course information has been uploaded to Clockwork. Returning students seeking the same accommodations can send their accommodation forms to their instructors.
If you have a change in your academic schedule, please inform your Access Coordinator via email asap, as we will need to update your accommodation documents and this can impact other accommodations relevant to classroom relocation, classroom furniture placement, classroom access assistance schedules, captioning technology, interpreting assignments, note taking availability, and exam accommodations, etc.
August 5, 2024:
Housing assignments for incoming first-year and transfer students have been posted on SPIRE. Any incoming students seeking housing accommodations should continue going through the Disability Services process of registering with our office and meeting with an Access Coordinator. Please note that it may take 2-3 weeks after meeting with the Access Coordinator for accommodations to be granted.
If you receive a housing accommodation(s) granted after August 5th that would necessitate a room change, you would then need to participate in Residential Life's in-semester change process. It is the student's responsibility to request a room selection appointment, and participate in the selection process. Please note that receiving an accommodation from Disability Services does not guarantee the availability of a room that meets all of the student's needs and preferences.
June 27, 2024:
If you are seeking a housing accommodation, please be sure to register with DS and meet with your Access Coordinator by July 11th. Housing Assignments are announced on 8/5 and the deadline for DS to communicate any access needs is 8/1. Students will need to allot 3 weeks for their documentation to be reviewed by DS and communicated with Residential Life. Any requests received after this deadline will require students to accept their current assignment and participate in the change process that begins after the start of the semester.
March 29, 2024:
Disability Services recently made to the language of the Disability-Related Absences and Assignment Extensions accommodations.
These updates are intended to improve students' experience by outlining a baseline of flexibility that instructors should provide at minimum, establishing a floor, and remove the need for students to negotiate access to their approved accommodation with instructors. Disability Services will continue to support students who may require additional leniency beyond these guidelines as needed, on a case-by-case basis.
Additional questions and concerns regarding the use and implementation of these accommodations are answered in this FAQ document linked here.