To schedule an appointment, login to Clockwork for Students with your NETID and password and select an appointment with an Access Coordinator. You may also call the main number at 413-545-0892 and schedule an appointment through our receptionist. They are available 8:30-5 p.m. M-F and you can also reach them via email at They can address any basic questions you may have and/or schedule a time for you to meet via phone, in person or Zoom conference with another staff member. Be sure to include your availability and necessary contact information.
Our Exam Proctoring Center is open M & F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. We offer additional hours on Tuesday's, Wednesday's & Thursday's until 7:00 pm during the Fall and Spring semesters only.
When you have a scheduled phone appointment, the staff member will call you at the phone number provided. Please be sure to answer calls from other area codes. This is our staff reaching out to you!
Students in need of Interpreting, Captioning or Audio Descriptions are advised to email a request for these services at (as soon as possible and at least two weeks in advance of appointments or visits to the campus).