UIL is an official Massachusetts Inclusive Postsecondary Education (MAIPSE) program, formerly called Massachusetts Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Initiative (MAICEI). This is a part-time (up to 20 hours per week) inclusive academic, vocational, and social program that operates in the Fall and Spring semesters under the traditional academic calendar.
This page is currently under development, with more information and resources coming soon! -- May 2024
UIL Program Models
All students must have documentation of intellectual or developmental disability for proof of eligibility.
1. Between 18-22 years old and eligible for special education services through concurrent enrollment with partnering high schools for what was formerly known as Massachusetts Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Initiative (MAICEI). Students, 18 to 22, who are receiving special education services from their respective school district, have not passed and/or are not likely to achieve the competency determination necessary for graduation by passing the MCAS exam.
2. Students, 20 to 21, who have passed MCAS, but are still eligible for special education with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) because of significant functional disabilities, transition needs, etc.
3. No longer eligible for special education services or older than 22 years of age (independent enrollment). Candidates can seek Department of Developmental Services and Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission for candidacy for funding support.
Application Timeline
Fall Admission
Applications due to Program Coordinator (msena@umass.edu) in January.
Spring Admission
Applications due to Program Coordinator (msena@umass.edu) in September.
Contact the Program Coordinator for exact dates.
The Three Foundations
The foundations of UIL are essential to our program. They are:
- Coursework
- Academic advising
- 1:1 academic skill development
- Internships
- Employment advising
- 1:1 job coaching
Social Experience
- Community group
- Peer mentors
Campus resources and events
- Craft Center, Rec Center, hundreds of student clubs, and more.
UIL students work one-on-one with an education coach, who is their primary support on campus. Education coaches are there to support students as much as they need. They attend classes, internships, and social events with students. Education coaches can help students take notes, work on homework, and study for tests. They can support in various ways during a student’s internship and social experiences. Through the Education Coach Agreement, the student and education coach will decide the best ways that they can work together to make the student’s college experience successful.