Please note this event occurred in the past.
September 27, 2024 3:00 pm - 4:45 pm ET
UMass Campus Center, Marriott Center (11th Floor)

The Center for Justice, Law, and Societies at UMass Amherst will host the Northeast Law and Society Retreat on Friday, Sept. 27 at the Campus Center. Sponsored by the Law & Society Association (LSA), the event will bring together faculty members, graduate students and others who are interested in law and policy, both domestically and internationally.The afternoon plenary on law and democracy features public opinion and democratic institutions scholar Peter K. Enns, of Cornell University; human rights scholar Janice Gallagher, of Rutgers University-Newark; law and political economy scholar Amy Kapczynski, of Yale University; and social movements scholar Poulami Roychowdhury, of Brown University.

This event is organized and sponsored by the Center for Justice, Law, and Societies and the Law and Society Association.