Stielke, Heinz, Fifteen...

Original title: (Stielke, Heinz, fünfzehn...)
GDR, 1986, 98 min, color
In German; English subtitles

Young Berliner Heinz Stielke is a fanatic member of the Hitler Youth. He has only just achieved the rank of Rottenführer when he finds out that his father, who died as a hero for his fatherland, was Jewish. From one day to the next, Heinz is expelled from high school, and his classmates approach him with malice and violence. He cannot believe that he is experiencing the anti-Jewish laws he’d only heard about. When his mother dies in a bombing, he is left entirely on his own and the police sends him to an orphanage. On the way, however, he is caught by the Waffen-SS and sent to a forced labor camp, where they train young people to defend Germany to the end.


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