Heise, Thomas
© Photo Thomas Heise
No biography currently available.
2014 | Städtebewohner (trans. City Dwellers, doc.) |
2012 | Die Lage (trans. The Situation, doc.) |
2012 | Die Gegenwart (trans. The Present, doc.) |
2011 | Sonnensystem (trans. Solar System, doc.) |
2007 | Kinder. Wie die Zeit vergeht. (trans. Children: How Time Passes, doc.) |
2005 | Mein Bruder – We'll Meet Again |
2002 | Vaterland (Fatherland, doc.) |
1997 | Barluschke |
1991 | Stau – jetzt gehts los (Jammed—Let's Get Moving, doc.) |
1991 | Eisenzeit (Iron Age, doc.) |
1990 | Imbiß-Spezial (Snack Bar Special, doc.) |
1988-2009 | Material (doc.) |
1987/2004 | Der Ausländer (trans. The Foreigner, doc.) |
1985/2001 | Volkpolizei (trans. People's Police, doc.) |
1984/2001 | Das Haus (trans. The House, doc.) |
1978 | Bis daß der Tod euch scheidet (Until Death Do Us Part, assistant director) |