Sacher, Otto

Zeitzeigengespräch: Otto Sacher © DEFA-Stiftung
Otto Sacher was born in 1928 in Bystre and studied at the Institute of Artistic Design in Halle. He helped found the DEFA Studio for Animation Film in 1955, where he worked as a director until 1990. In the 1960s, Sacher taught film at the Dresden College of Fine Arts alongside his studio work. His class evolved into the only East German center exclusively dedicated to the training of cartoon animators at the university level. From 1974 to1981, Sacher lectured at the Academy for Film and Television in Potsdam-Babelsberg and, in 1979, he helped set up an animation film studio in Iraq. Sacher works exclusively with animated cartoons and has been involved in over 60 productions. He pioneered a number of innovations in modern graphics and other new techniques. After he retired in 1991, he helped establish the German Institute for Animation Film (DIAF) in Dresden. [See: ]
1991 | Der Wolf und der sieben Geißlein (The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats) |
1988 | Das Geheimnis (The Secret) |
1979 | Einsamkeit (Loneliness) |
1978 | Am Fenster (City – At the Window) |
1978 | Stern und Blume (Star and Flower) |
1976 | Rotkäppchen (Little Red Riding Hood) |
1974 | Gezeichnetes: Paukenschlag (Drum Beat) |
1968 | Vom kleinen Weisenkönig (The Little Meadow-King) |
1960 | Maus und Bleistift (Mouse and Pencil) |
1959 | Sensation des Jahrhunderts (Sensation of the Century) |