Rasche, Marion


Marion Rasche was born in Spremberg in 1944. She studied drama and philosophy at Humboldt University in Berlin, before starting at the DEFA Studio for Animation Films in 1976. There she worked as a dramaturg, including for directors Otto Sacher and Lutz Dammbeck, and as an artistic director as well as a director (1988-1991). When the studio was closed, Rasche lost her job along with other employees. Since 1992, she has been doing freelance work for television productions. Marion Rasche lives in Dresden.


Bibliography & More:

Schenk, Ralf and Sabine Scholze. Die Trick-Fabrik. London: Bertz. 2003.




2005 Da wundert sich das Dresdner Huhn (The Dresden Chicken Is Puzzled)
2001 Das schöne Fräulein von Wachs (The Beautiful Miss Made of Wax)
2001 Georg Baselitz trifft Goerg Kern (Georg Baselitz Meets Georg Kern, TV)
1998 Commercialisable
1996 Der Tangokönig (The Tango King, TV)
1995 Der Tanzmeister lässt bitten (The Dancing Master Asks the Pleasure, TV)
1994 Zeit der Schatten (Time of the Shadows, TV)
1992 Vor allem aber bin ich Nomade – A.R. Penck (Above All I am a Nomad: A.R. Penck, TV)
1991 Der rote Punkt (The Red Dot, TV)
1990 Hans im Glück (Hans in Luck, TV)
1989 Der lange Weg (The Long Way)
1989 Reisen ist schön (Nice to Travel)
1987 Sisyphos (Sisyphus)
1986 Die Flut (The Flood)
1983 Die Entdeckung (The Discovery)
1983 Copyright by Luther
1983 Autotraum (Car Dream)
1981 Einmart
1980 Sieben Rechte des Zuschauers (Seven Rights of a Viewer)
1980 Knurri und der Eierdieb (Knurri and the Egg Thief)
1978 Lebe! (Live!)
1978 Am Fenster (City – At the Window)
1978 Rosaura
1977 Lautaro

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