Kroske, Gerd


Gerd Kroske was born in Dessau, East Germany in 1958. He focused on cultural studies at Humboldt University in East Berlin and then studied directing at the Academy for Film and Television in Potsdam-Babelsberg. Kroske joined the DEFA Studio for Documentary Films in 1987, first as a dramaturg and writer and then, in 1989, as a director. As of 1991, he started working as a freelance writer and director. In 1996, he founded the realistfilm production company [see:].


Kroske became known for his long-term documentary series on the street sweepers of Leipzig that now covers almost twenty years. In 1994, he released Heino Jaeger – Look before you kuck, the last part of his Hamburg-Trilogy. Several of his films, including Voksal – Bahnhof Brest and Der Boxprinz, have won prestigious international awards for documentary. Kroske lives in Berlin.

Festivals & Awards:

2024 Retrospective Dokumentarische Positionen: Gerd Kroske (Documentary Positions: Gerd Kroske), Zeughauskino, Berlin, Germany
1990 Special Prize of the Mayor of the City of Leipzig, Leipzig International Documentary and Animated Film Festival Week, for Kehraus


2025 Stolz & Eigensinn (Pride & Attitude)
2018 SPK Komplex (SPC Complex, doc.)
2014 Striche ziehen (Drawing a Line)
2012 Heino Jaeger – Look before you kuck (Heino Jaeger – Look Before You See, doc.)
2009 Schranken (Bounds, doc.)
2005-2007 Wollis Paradies (Wolli in Paradise, doc.)
2006 Kehraus, wieder (Sweep It Up, Again, doc., TV)
2003-2004 Autobahn Ost (Autobahn East, doc., TV)
2000 Der Boxprinz (The Boxing Prince, doc., TV)
1996-97 Kehrein, Kehraus (Sweep It Up, Swig It Down, doc.)
1996-97 Galera (doc., TV)
1993-94 Voksal – Bahnhof Brest (Terminus Brest, doc.)
1993 Kurzschluß (Short-Circuit, doc.)
1992 Kurt – oder Du sollst Lachen (Kurt, or You Should Laugh, doc.)
1992 Neues in Wittstock (News from Wittstock, script, doc.)
1990 La Villette (doc.)
1990 Kehraus (Sweep It Up, doc.)
1990 Sperrmüll (Bulky Trash, doc.)
1989 Leipzig im Herbst (Leipzig in the Fall, doc.)


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