Schnitzler, Barbara


Barbara Schnitzler was born on February 19, 1953 in Berlin, where she trained at the Ernst Busch Academy for the Performing Arts. Her first engagement was at the Theater der Freundschaft in Berlin; since 1977, she has been a permanent member of the Deutsches Theater ensemble.


Schnitzler has worked with stage directors including Frido Solter, Michael Thalheimer, Roland Schimmelpfennig and Jürgen Gosch, and has acted in plays including Die Ratten, Bitterer Honig and Sugardollies. She played the lead in Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant (dir. Philipp Preuss), based on Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s play. In 2010, she performed the solo play Das Jahr magischen Denkens (dir. Gabriele Heinz) at the Deutsches Theater.


Since the mid-1970s, Schnitzler has also performed in many television and film productions. In Iris Gusner’s film Alle meine Mädchen, she played the young, emancipated Anita, and former East German audiences still remember her as the teacher in Rolf Losansky’s children’s film classic, Der lange Ritt zur Schule.


Barbara Schnitzler continues to perform regularly in films and on television, as well as in person. Since 2001, she has performed Jazz, Lyric, Prosa readings. In 2010, she performed a solo play based on Joan Didion's memoir, The Year of Magical Thinking, under the direction of Gabriele Heinz. And in 2013 she began offering an evening of chansons entitled Fahr doch allein Karussell.



Festivals & Awards:

1980 Art Prize of the Free German Trade Union Federation for Alle meine Mädchen


2011 Die Stunde des Wolfes (The Hour of the Wolf, TV)
2011 Fenster zum Sommer (Summer Window)
2005 Stages
1993 Mein Name ist Marlene Dietrich (My Name Is Marlene Dietrich, TV)
1993 Der Biberpelz (The Beaver Coat, TV)
1989 Rückkehr aus der Wüste (Return from the Desert)
1986 Die Schwur von Rabenhorst (The Oath of Rabenhorst)
1984 Die dritte Frau (The Third Woman, TV)
1983 Mortiz in der Litfaßsäule (Moritz in the Advertising Pillar)
1983 Martin Luther (TV)
1981 Der lange Ritt zur Schule (The Long Ride to School)
1979 Alle meine Mädchen (All My Girls)
1978 Bonny’s Blues (TV)
1977-2000 Polizeiruf 110 (Police Call 110, TV series)
1977 Zwei Krawatten (Two Neckties, TV)
1977 Dantons Tod (Danton’s Death, TV)
1975 Im Schlaraffenland (In the Land of Milk and Honey, TV)
1975 Lisa (TV)


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