Wenzel, Hans-Eckardt


Hans-Eckardt Wenzel was born in Kropstädt, East Germany. From 1976 to 1981, he studied social sciences at Humboldt University in Berlin. Together with Steffen Mensching, he created the satirical cabaret clown duo Mensching & Wenzel. Wenzel is also known as a songwriter and has released over 20 CDs, including Ticky-Tock—Wenzel singt Guthrie (2003), the result of an invitation by Woody Guthrie’s daughter to set some of his unpublished lyrics to music; Wenzel also performed together with folksinger, Arlo Guthrie. His CD, Masken—Wenzel singt Christoph Hein, was released in spring 2009 and is based on unpublished texts by German author Christoph Hein. Wenzel is known as a poet, writer, playwright, and director and has toured with his music programs in the USA and Europe.


[See: www.wenzel-im-netz.de]




1990 Letztes aus der DaDaeR (Latest from the Da-Da-R)
1989 Tuba wa duo (based on Wenzel’s Rüpeldrama)


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