d'Bomba, Jörg

Photo © Deutsches Institut für Animationsfilme
Jörg d’Bomba was born in Ratibor (now Racibórz), Poland, on April 12, 1930. After WWII, he settled in the western part of Germany and worked in various professions. He studied architecture, acting, and directing. At the end of the 1950s, he moved to East Germany.
In 1959, d’Bomba joined the East German DEFA Studio for Animation Films in Dresden, where he worked as a director and scriptwriter for short documentaries, as well as puppet and cut-out animation films until 1991. The topics of his films are diverse and include films based on children’s stories, fairy tales, classic legends, current affairs, and history.
In the 1960s, d’Bomba’s films were shown at the International Animation Festival in Annecy, France, and the International Short Film Festival in Oberhausen, West Germany. From 1972 to 1986, d’Bomba was also part of the animation team that created the puppets and stories for the famed East German children’s TV series Jan und Tini auf Reisen.
1990 | Die Blume des Lebens (The Flower of Life) |
1989 | Vom Bäumchen, das ein Baum werden wollte (About the Little Tree That Wanted to Grow Up) |
1988 | Tolpatsch (The Caddy) |
1988 | Lebensbaum (The Tree of Life) |
1986 | Wenn die Kröte quakt (When the Toad Croaks) |
1980 | Knurri und der Eierdieb (Knurri and the Egg Thief) |
1979 | Knurri |
1978 | Rübezahl und das Hochzeitsgeschenk (Rübezahl and the Wedding Present) |
1976 | Arbeiter-Illustrierten-Zeitung (AIZ: Workers’ Illustrated Newspaper) |
1975 | Teufelsmühle (The Devil’s Mill) |
1974 | Drei Geschichten um Teddy (Three Stories about Teddy) |
1972-86 | Jan und Tini auf Reisen (Jan and Tini’s Adventures, TV series) |
1970 | Zeichner – Zeuge – Zeitgenosse (Leo Haas: Artist and Witness of His Time) |
1970 | Auf dem Schlachtfeld geboren (Born on the Battlefield) |
1968/69 | Feuerwehr Felicitas (Firebrigade “Felicitas”, TV series) |
1968 | Unser Drache Kasimir (Kasimir, Our Dragon) |
1965 | Der Meisterdieb (The Master Thief) |
1962 | Unternehmen Proxima Centauri (Operation Proxima Centauri) |
1960 | Der rechte Barbier (The True Barber) |
1960 | Die Sage vom verschwundenen Schacht (The Legend of the Lost Mine) |
1959 | Raubritters Landfahrt (The Robber Knights’ Adventure) |