Hagen, Eva-Maria


Eva-Maria Hagen was born in 1934 in Költschen. She attended the Academy for Performing Arts in Berlin and started acting at the Berliner Ensemble in 1953. In 1957, she made her film debut in a comedy by Kurt Maetzig, Vergeßt mir meine Traudel nicht, and became one of the most successful actors in East Germany.


In 1965, Hagen met singer-songwriter Wolf Biermann. Only a few months later, East German officials banned Biermann’s work and he was not allowed to perform. It became more and more difficult for Hagen to find work because of this connection. Although her relationship with Biermann only lasted until 1972, she protested against his expatriation in 1976. As a result, she was dismissed without notice and stripped of her East German nationality. In 1977 Hagen moved to Hamburg, West Germany.


Eva-Maria Hagen is well-known as a theater and film actor, as well as a painter, and has released numerous CDs as a singer, including collaborations with Biermann. She is also the mother of famous post-punk singer Nina Hagen, and lives in Hamburg and Berlin.



Festivals & Awards:

1998 Carl Zuckmayer Award for the book Eva und der Wolf



Bibliography & More:

Hagen, Eva-Maria. Eva und der Wolf. Düsseldorf: Econ. 1998.

Hagen, Eva-Maria. Eva jenseits vom Paradis. Berlin: Ullstein. 2005.


2009 Dinosaurier (Dinosaur)
2008 Liebe im Halteverbot (Love in The No-Stopping Zone, TV)
2008 Das Glück am Horizont (Luck on the Horizon, TV)
2005-2006 4 gegen Z (Four against Z, TV series)
2001 Der Verleger (The Publisher, TV)
1993 Novalis – Die blaue Blume (Novalis: The Blue Flower)
1992 Herzsprung
1987 Warten auf Marie (Waiting for Marie)
1976 Nelken in Aspik (Carnations in Aspic)
1976 Liebesfallen (Love Traps)
1972 Die Legende von Paul und Paula (The Legend of Paul and Paula)
1967 Heroin
1966 Jahrgang 45 (Born in '45)
1965 Ohne Pass in fremden Betten (Without a Passport in Strange Beds)
1965 Die Fahne von Kriwoj Rog (The Banner of Kriwoj Rog)
1963 for eyes only – streng geheim (For Eyes Only — Top Secret)
1961 Das Kleid (The Robe)
1959 Weißes Blut (White Blood)
1958 Ware für Katalonien (Goods for Catalonia)
1957 Vergeßt mir meine Traudel nicht (Don’t Forget My Little Traudel)


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