Feldmeier, Rita


Rita Feldmeier was born in Rostock in 1954. From 1970 to 1973, she attended the acting school there and then debuted at the Volkstheater Rostock. From 1976 to 2020, Feldmeier was a permanent member of the Hans Otto Theater in Potsdam; since 2020, she has been a guest actor. Parallel, she has also made guest appearances at theaters in Cottbus, Essen, Berlin, Braunschweig, Brandenburg, Anklam and Dresden. In addition to performing on stage, Feldmeier has played in many film productions, including Die Architekten, Dizzy, lieber Dizzy (1995, Dizzy, dear Dizzy). and Vergiss Amerika (2000, Forget America), as well as in numerous television series. She was awarded the City of Potsdam’s Theater Prize in 2002.

Festivals & Awards:

2002 City of Potsdam Theater Prize


2021 Tote trauern nicht (The Dead Don’t Mourn, TV)
2020 Freaks – Du bist eine von uns (Freaks: You’re One of Us., TV)
2012-16 Heiter bis tödlich – Akte Ex (From Cheerful to Deathly: File Ex, TV series)
2011-18 In aller Freundschaft (In All Friedship, TV series)
2010 Flemming–Sexsüchtig (Flemming – Addicted to Sex, TV)
2010 Prinz & Bottel (Prince & Bottel, TV)
2009 Rapunzel (TV)
2008 Der Dicke (The Fat Man, TV series)
2008 Weiber, Wodka, Wladimir (Women, Vodka, Vladimir)
2002-2008 SOKO (Special Commando, TV series)
2000 Vergiss Amerika (Forget America)
1988-2007 Polizeiruf 110 (Police Call 110, TV series)
1995 Dizzy, lieber Dizzy (Dizzy, dear Dizzy)
1992 Der Brocken (Rising to the Bait)
1992 Der Hut (The Hat)
1991 Die Lügnerin (The Liar)
1990 Die Architekten (The Architects)
1990 Mädchen aus dem Fahrstuhl (The Girl in the Lift)
1989 Der Streit um des Esels Schatten (The Fight about the Donkey's Shadow)
1985 Der Junge mit dem großen schwarzen Hund (The Boy with the Big Black Dog)
1978 Des Henkers Bruder (The Hangman's Brother)

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