Delmare, Fred


Fred Delmare was born in Hüttensteinach (Thuringia) on April 24, 1922. He studied at the Hebbel Theater Acting School, and from 1950 to 1970 he was a member of the Leipzig Schauspielhaus ensemble.


Small parts require the same dedication as leading roles. Fred Delmare has always remained true to this motto. Whether he plays a taxi driver, unrequited lover, or cowboy, his performances have always been stellar. Delmare acted in over 200 cinema and television productions.


His breakthrough came with the movie Der Teufelskreis, an adaptation of a Hedda Zinner play by Carl Balhaus in which he gave an unforgettable performance as Marius van der Lubbe. Delmare’s popularity grew when he played the concentration camp inmate Pippig in both the television and cinematic adaptations of Nackt under Wölfen. He portrayed this character, who faces certain death, with calmness and bravery. 


Delmare has been working in the film business for over 50 years and tried out many genres – he was the dwarf Naseweis in the fairy tale adaptation Schneewittchen, the unsuccessful lover in Die Legende von Paul und Paula, the funny cowboy in the East German Western series, as well as the friendly and beloved grandfather in the television series In aller Freundschaft.


He celebrated a special comeback with a television production praised by critics, Matulla und Busch, a comedy about the transitional period between the fall of the Berlin Wall and German unification. Delmare and Erwin Geschonneck played two seasoned old Berliners who end up in a retirement home and find out that one of them owns a house in East Berlin that is occupied by squatters.


Fred Delmare died on May 1, 2009, in Leipzig.



2002 Das Geheimnis meiner Mutter (My Mothers Secret, TV)
1999 – 2006  In aller Freundschaft (In all Friendship, TV series)
1999  Hans im Glück (Hans in Luck)
1995 Matulla und Busch (Matulla and Busch, TV)
1991 Das Land hinter dem Regenbogen (The Land beyond the Rainbow)
1989 Zwei schräge Vögel (Two Strange Characters)
1987 Die Alleinseglerin (The Solo Sailor)
1986 Wie die Alten sungen (Like Father, Like Son)

Der Bärenhäuter (The Bear-Skinned Man)

1984 Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns (Gritta of Rat's Castle)
1984 Unternehmen Geigenkasten (Operation Violin Case)
1983 Fariaho 
1981 Die Gerechten von Kummerow  (The Just People of Kummerow)
1980 Und nächstes Jahr am Balaton (And Next Year By Lake Balaton)
1980 Asta, mein Engelchen (Asta, My Little Angel)
1980 Don Juan – Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 78 (Don Juan, 78 Karl Liebknecht Street)
1979 Glück im Hinterhaus (Rear House Bliss)
1978 Des Henkers Bruder (The Hangman's Brother)
1977 DEFA Disko 77 (DEFA Disco 77)
1977 Feuer unter Deck (Fire Below Deck)
1976 Liebesfallen (Love Traps)
1976 Das blaue LIcht (The Blue Light)  
1976 Beethoven - Tage aus einem Leben (Beethoven - Days of a Life)
1975 Hostess
1975 Die Moral der Banditen (The Moral of Bandites)
1975 Bankett für Achilles (Banquet for Achilles)
1974 Orpheus in der Unterwelt (Orpheus in the Underworld)
1973 Das zweite Leben des Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Platow (The Second Life of Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Platow)
1973 Für die Liebe noch zu mager? (Too Young for Love?)
1973 Wie füttert man einen Esel (How Do You Feed a Donkey?)
1973 Ulzana


Apachen (Apaches)
1972 Januskopf (Janus Face)
1972 Die Legende von Paul und Paula (The Legend of Paul und Paula)
1971 Der Mann, der nach der Oma kam (The Man Who Replaced Grandma)
1971 Der Dritte (Her Third)
1969 Weite Straßen – stille Liebe (Long Roads – Secret Love)
1969 Der Weihnachtsmann heißt Willi (Santa Claus Is Called Willi)
1968 Weiße Wölfe (White Wolves)
1968 Spur des Falken (The Falcon’s Trail)
1966/2009 Hände hoch oder ich schieße (Hands Up or I'll Shoot)
1965 Denk bloß nicht, ich heule (Just Don’t Think I’ll Cry)
1965 Solange Leben in mir ist (As Long as There Is Life in Me)
1965/90 Wenn du groß bist, lieber Adam (When You're Older, Dear Adam)
1965/90 Karla (Carla)
1964 Das Lied vom Trompeter (The Song of the Trumpeter)
1963 Die Hochzeit von Länneken (The Laenneken Wedding)
1963 Schwarzer Samt (Black Velvet)
1963 Die Suche nach dem wunderbunten Vögelchen (The Quest for the Bird of Many Colors)
1963 Preludio 11 (Prelude 11)
1963 Karbid und Sauerampfer (Carbide and Sorrel)
1962 Nackt unter Wölfen (Naked Among Wolves)
1962 Königskinder (Star-Crossed Lovers)
1962 Ach, du fröhliche... (A Lively Christmas Eve)
1961 Auf der Sonnenseite (On the Sunny Side)
1961 Schneewittchen (Snow White)
1959 Einer von uns (One of Us)
1957 Vergeßt mir meine Traudel nicht (Don´t Forget My Little Traudel)
1956 Teufelskreis (Vicious Circle)
1955 Ernst Thälmann – Führer seiner Klasse (Ernst Thälmann: Leader of the Working Class)

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