The Porcupine: A Ride to Schöneberg
(Das Stacheltier – Zwischen Zoo und Schöneberg)
GDR, 1959, 5 min, b&w
In German; English subtitles
Das Stacheltier – Zwischen Zoo und Schöneberg © DEFA-Stiftung, Herbert Kroiss
Kurz, Rudi |
Kurz, Rudi |
Harnisch, Hans |
Richter, Thea |
Hardt, Horst-Alexander |
Mirr, Hans-Jörg |
Kuhl, Rolf |
Klein, Erik S. |
Maus, Johannes |
Stübler, Otto |
Themes & Genres:
This episode features a pompous customer and a West Berlin cab driver. Their conversation, full of wit and double-entendres, revolves around city government under mayor Willie Brandt and the American occupation. Punch line? The driver would rather have his cab occupied than free!