The Just People of Kummerow
(Die Gerechten von Kummerow)
GDR, 1981, 97 min, color
In German; no subtitles
Die Gerechten von Kummerow © DEFA-Stiftung, Christa Köfer
Luderer, Wolfgang |
Luderer, Wolfgang |
Gericke, Gerd |
Richter, Thea |
Sasse, Hans-Jürgen |
Otto, Joachim |
Pohl, Günther |
Nier, Helmut |
Delmare, Fred |
Ehlers, Gerd |
Herrmann, Mario |
Hoppe, Rolf |
Jupé, Walter |
Klein, Erik S. |
Klering, Hans |
Rohde, Jan |
Trettau, Martin |
Zartmann, Jürgen |
Themes & Genres:
Cow herder Krischan Klammbüdel is the best friend of the children of Kummerow. Yet the adults do him a great injustice - they drive him out of their town and the innocence of their children's blissful childhood disappears with him.
Based on the "Kummerow" books by Ehm Welk.