Eyewitness: The 1970s

(Der Augenzeuge – Die 70er Jahre)

GDR, n/a/2001, 305 min
In German; no subtitles


This video series gives one insight into the daily events back then in the form of raw reportage of the weekly chronicles, showing (often in headlines) the momentous political and economic occurrences, athletic and youth competitions, arts and entertainment and diverting encounters with public officials as well as discoveries and incidents that moved a nation.


Part 1: The 70s (1970-1973)

In a selection of individual "Eyewitnesses" from the years 1970 and 1973, one can see amongst other things:

  • No. 6 from 2/3/1970: Auschwitz: a Warning and a Responsibility, 20 Years of National Security
  • No. 13 from 3/24/1970: Stoph - Brandt Meet in Erfurt, Indoor European Track and Field Championship
  • No. 21 from 5/21/1970: Trips to Cuba, Nepal and Gdynia, Sports: Speedway, Soccer
  • No. 30 from 7/21/1971: Baltic Sea Week, Tromper Wieck: Campus March, Carpets from Baghdad
  • No. 44 from 10/27/1971: Free Angela Davis, Picasso Turns 90 - Looking Back on Himself, Sailing Regatta
  • No. 15 from 4/5/1972: Barzel and the Peace, Daniel Gérard "Butterfly," Commercial Menus for Small Children
  • No. 26 from 6/19/1972: Fidel Castro Visits the GDR, 14th Worker Festival
  • No. 34 from 8/8/1973: 10th World Fair
  • No. 35 from 8/13/1973: A Nation in Mourning: Walter Ulbricht Died on August 1st
  • No. 52 from 12/14/1973: Vienna Music Society: James Last, Christmas Celebration with Pit-Plash


Part 2: The 70s (1974-1976)

In a selection of individual "Eyewitnesses" from the years 1974 and 1976, one can see amongst other things:

  • No. 28 from 7/1/1974: World Soccer Championship: GDR - FRG: 1:0, 20 Years of Eulenspiegel Publishing House
  • No. 31 from 7/22/1974: Gladys Marin - Visit to the GDR
  • No. 38 from 9/3/1974: Mecklenburg - How a Village Gave a Strip of Land Its Name
  • No. 48 from 11/25/1974: Palace of the Republic Topping-Out Ceremony,  Harvest, Christmas Markets
  • No. 1 from  1/3/1975: The Carnation Revolution
  • No. 26 from 6/27/1975: Conference for Safety and Cooperation in Genf, 30 Years of the United Nations
  • No. 32 from 8/8/1975: Peace Agreement of Helsinki, Fifth Children and Youth "Spartakiade" (Sport Competition)
  • No. 10 from 3/5/1976: ORWO, Innsbruck: Highlights of the Winter Olympics
  • No. 17 from 4/23/1976: 30 Years of the DEFA Weekly Newsreel "The Eyewitness"
  • No. 24 from 6/11/1976: Cuban Cement Works, Trucks from Bela's Factory, Applied Arts Museum


Part 3: The 70s (1977-1980)

In a selection of individual "Eyewitnesses" from the years 1977 and 1980, one can see amongst other things:

  • No. 44 from 10/28/1977: Ernst Barlach, Stralsund: Ocean Museum, Archeological Excavation at Rügen
  • No. 7 from 2/10/1978: Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956)
  • No. 19 from 5/5/1978: Morenos - 9 Young Artists, Dance Tournament: 23 Couples from 10 Countries
  • No. 41 from 10/6/1978: Joined on the Earth and in the Universe: Space Flight GDR - USSR
  • No. 52 from 12/22/1978: Year in Review: Thoughts and Opinions
  • No. 19 from 5/11/1979: Hovercraft, Sports: Sky Diving, Mountain Climbing, Skateboarding
  • No. 4 from 1/25/1980: Boney M - Concert in Warsaw, Remains of the Incas: Machu Picchu
  • No. 10 from 3/7/1980: 10th Political Song Festival: Songs are the Brothers of the Revolution
  • No. 40 from 10/3/1980: History of Aviation, Profile of a Future Officer
  • No. 51 from 12/19/1980: We Were There - the Last "Eyewitness"


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