Our Time: The Two Sons
(Aus unserer Zeit: Die zwei Söhne)
GDR, 1970, 25 min, b&w
In German; no subtitles

Aus unserer Zeit: Die zwei Söhne © DEFA-Stiftung
Nitzschke, Helmut |
Nitzschke, Helmut |
Hartwig, Gerhard |
Brusendorff, Margrit |
Neumann, Claus |
Otto, Joachim |
Gerstner, Sibylle |
Hartmann, Helga |
Weigel, Helene |
Hardt-Hardtloff, Hans |
Ritsch, Felicitas |
Schall, Ekkehard |
DEFA Studio for Feature Films |
Themes & Genres:
A farmer's wife in Brandenburg is having strange dreams in which a Soviet prisoner-of-war assumes the face of her son. When her son suddenly turns up, she then has to stop a crime he had been helping plan against Soviet prisoners, tying him up and giving him up to the advancing Soviet army so that he survives the war.
Based on a short story with the same name from Bertold Brecht's collection "Kalendargeschichten."
This short film is the first episode of From Our Time.