Romeo and Juliet in the Country
(Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe)
GDR, 1983, 101 min, color
In German; no subtitles

Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe © DEFA-Stiftung, Jürgen Hoeftmann
Kühn, Siegfried |
Kühn, Siegfried |
Rogall, Barbara |
Krex, Brigitte |
Gusko, Erich |
Schmidt, Richard |
Sbrzesny, Lieselotte (Lilo) |
Wenzel, Hans-Jürgen |
Baumann, Hilmar |
Bieligk, Klaus |
Gerber, Michael |
Hiemer, Horst |
Kipp, Heide |
Rehberg, Horst |
Stephan, Grit |
Teuber, Barbara |
Weiß, Siegfried |
Wetzel, Thomas |
Themes & Genres:
Two farmers, Grimm and Melcher, were once on friendly terms, but a petty argument over a piece of land has since turned them into implacable enemies. Their children Veronika (Grit Stephan) and Fabian (Thomas Wetzel) likewise used to be childhood friends. When they meet again as young adults, they instantly fall in love, despite the bitter feud between their families. With no hope for a future together, the couple seeks to end their lives.
This retelling of the classic Shakespearean play is based on a short story with the same name in Gottfried Keller's Die Leute von Selawyla.