The Long Ride to School
(Der lange Ritt zur Schule)
GDR, 1982, 81 min, color
In German; no subtitles

Der lange Ritt zur Schule © DEFA-Stiftung, Heinz Pufahl
Losansky, Rolf |
Losansky, Rolf |
Pfeuffer, Anne |
Zweig, Ursula |
Göthe, Michael |
Grewald, Helmut |
Keller, Jochen |
Sasse, Karl-Ernst |
Brabec, Jiri |
The Country Beat |
Franke, Dieter |
Hellwig, Ellen |
Manchen, Klaus |
Marquardt, Fritz |
Mitić, Gojko |
Niemczyk, Leon |
Piontek, Klaus |
Riffert, Iris |
Schnitzler, Barbara |
Schubert, Günter |
Träger, Frank |
Themes & Genres:
Alex is always late and his vivid imagination is the blame. The familiar journey to school is the boy's setting for romantic Wild West adventures. It seems quite natural that his trusty bicycle should turn into a fiery mustang and that Alex should fight on the side of the Red Kites against the "bad guys." With the help of his Indian heroes, the ten-year-old boy is able to overcome the most difficult situations.
Based on a children's book with the same name by Gerhard Holtz-Baumert.